Winnipeg Bicycle Strategy

Priorities for Cycling Infrastructure

Bike Winnipeg sent a letter to Mayor and Council this week recommending priorities for cycling infrastructure in the upcoming budget: Based on our experience riding on Winnipeg streets, and talking to many of the people who ride with us, we believe that the City will get the best return on investment by concentrating initial cycling infrastructure investments in: Creating a network of high-quality protected

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Lets Talk Winnipeg

Let the City Know More Money is Needed for Pedestrian and Bike Network On November 30th, the City of Winnipeg rolled out its public engagement process for the 2016 Budget, Lets Talk Winnipeg.This is a great opportunity for people who bike to let the city know that we want to see a much larger investment into the implementation of the city’s pedestrian and cycling

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Bike Winnipeg Reaction to Motion to Slash Funding

While professing to be advocates for those who want to walk or bike in our city, Councillors Browaty, Schreyer and Wyatt managed to pass a unanimous motion at yesterday’s special meeting of the East Kildonan – Transcona Community Committee to slash the budget for the City’s Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies by 84%, from $334 million to $55 million over 20 years. Their proposed budget

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First Glance Response – Budget 2015

Bike Winnipeg is pleased to see increased funding for active transportation in the City of Winnipeg’s 2015 Preliminary Capital Budget. Funding for bicycle corridors will remain at $1 million in 2015 and rise to $2.2 million per year by 2018, while funding for sidewalks, recreational walkways and bike paths increases from $0.75 million in 2014 to $1.4 million this year, rising to $3.2 million

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What winning candidates said

We interviewed as many candidates as we could before the Winnipeg election. The winners among them offered good ideas: Brian Bowman; “An equal priority for each mode of transportation” Jenny Gerbasi;  “It started on bike to work day when I got on a bike…  This is one of the issues I feel really passionate about…” Brian Mayes: “I think it’s time to focus on

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City’s plan for active transport revived

by Bartley Kives Winnipeg Free Press THE City of Winnipeg has revived a bike-and-pedestrian strategy the cancellation of which earlier this summer sparked an outcry from cycling activists. In July, Winnipeg’s public works department nixed a plan to spend $400,000 on an active-transportation master plan that would have been prepared by Vancouver consulting firm Urban Systems. The plan, initiated in the wake of a

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