City Council

Ordinary Cyclists Need Cleared Paths

Bike Winnipeg has responded to Councillor Browaty telling him that, if it looks like most people who ride bikes in Winnipeg during the winter are hard core cyclists, this is a consequence of the lack of snow clearing on bike routes.  Many patches of ice and mounds of snow in critical places on the bike lanes create unsafe conditions for anyone but the strongest

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Supporting Winnipeg’s Climate Action Plan

On Wednesday, September 12th, Bike Winnipeg was pleased to offer our support for the adoption of Winnipeg’s Climate Action Plan in a presentation before the city’s Executive Policy Committee. Winnipeg’s Climate Action Plan Begins Process to Reduce GHG Emissions As a stakeholder in the Climate Action Plan development process, Bike Winnipeg is pleased to offer our support for adoption of the Winnipeg Climate Action

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Winnipeg Road Safety Strategy

City Councillors have instructed staff to develop a road safety strategy that aligns with the principles of “Towards Zero”, i.e. the elimination of fatalities and serious injuries on our roads. Bike Winnipeg is delighted to see the City take a leadership role on road safety. For the past couple years, we have been asking Winnipeg and Manitoba to adopt this kind of approach, to make our

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Priorities for Cycling Infrastructure

Bike Winnipeg sent a letter to Mayor and Council this week recommending priorities for cycling infrastructure in the upcoming budget: Based on our experience riding on Winnipeg streets, and talking to many of the people who ride with us, we believe that the City will get the best return on investment by concentrating initial cycling infrastructure investments in: Creating a network of high-quality protected

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Lets Talk Winnipeg

Let the City Know More Money is Needed for Pedestrian and Bike Network On November 30th, the City of Winnipeg rolled out its public engagement process for the 2016 Budget, Lets Talk Winnipeg.This is a great opportunity for people who bike to let the city know that we want to see a much larger investment into the implementation of the city’s pedestrian and cycling

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Bike Winnipeg Reaction to Motion to Slash Funding

While professing to be advocates for those who want to walk or bike in our city, Councillors Browaty, Schreyer and Wyatt managed to pass a unanimous motion at yesterday’s special meeting of the East Kildonan – Transcona Community Committee to slash the budget for the City’s Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies by 84%, from $334 million to $55 million over 20 years. Their proposed budget

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Russ Wyatt’s Antics Nothing More Than Fear Mongering

Russ Wyatt claims the Pedestrian & Cycling Strategies are flawed because of a lack of consultations, alleging that advocacy groups like Bike Winnipeg have undue influence at city hall (we wish!). 3,000 People Engaged in Public Consultation Process Like the rest of the public, we first saw the completed strategies (and proposed cycling network) on May 1st. That’s not to say we and the

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Councilor Browaty opposes key AT Through Pass

Cyclists who live in Councillor Browaty’s riding should call him to set him straight about the need for a safe way to get across the North Perimeter. During the last election, the NDP promised to build a safe AT crossing of the North Perimeter between Henderson and Highway 59. We were consulted on the design on of this crossing, and agreed that the proposed plan made

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