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Infrastructure Tour

Winnipeg’s cycling culture comes together during Bike Week Winnipeg for a week of events celebrating the bike. Hop on your bike and join us on a ride. Join Bike Winnipeg and AT Planner Erik Dickson on our Bike Week Winnipeg 2019 Infrastructure Tour as we ride through and explain a sampling of the cycling infrastructure that’s sprouted up in Winnipeg over the past few

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Ordinary Cyclists Need Cleared Paths

Bike Winnipeg has responded to Councillor Browaty telling him that, if it looks like most people who ride bikes in Winnipeg during the winter are hard core cyclists, this is a consequence of the lack of snow clearing on bike routes.  Many patches of ice and mounds of snow in critical places on the bike lanes create unsafe conditions for anyone but the strongest

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Bikes; a tool for sustainable development

Bike Winnipeg has told Manitoba Government budget consultations to set aside the image of bicycles as toys for leisure, and think of them as tools for building a sustainable economy. We said: Spending on more and better roads is a vicious circle that leads to more cars on those roads, more miles driven, and more demand expensive improvements. Reliance on cars & trucks for

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Public Engagement (Open House) – Princess Protected Bike Lane

The Princess Protected Bike Lane project will carry out cycling, pedestrian and vehicular needs assessment studies. These include area stakeholder engagement, to develop recommendations for the City to complete the Princess Street protected bike connections from William Avenue to Higgins Avenue. Impacts and opportunities related to on-street parking will also be considered. The City has developed a proposed preliminary design of a protected bike

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Public Engagement (Pop-Up Event) – Wolseley to Downtown Walk Bike Project

The City of Winnipeg is currently undertaking the Wolseley to Downtown Corridor Project to identify options to improve travel choices, accessibility and connectivity. The study area runs east-west through Wolseley Avenue/Westminster Avenue, Balmoral Street, and Granite Way.The City wants to know how you use the roads and sidewalks in the project area, what is working well and what you think could be improved. This information will be

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Public Engagement (Pop-Up Event) – Wolseley to Downtown Walk Bike Project

The City of Winnipeg is currently undertaking the Wolseley to Downtown Corridor Project to identify options to improve travel choices, accessibility and connectivity. The study area runs east-west through Wolseley Avenue/Westminster Avenue, Balmoral Street, and Granite Way.The City wants to know how you use the roads and sidewalks in the project area, what is working well and what you think could be improved. This information will be

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Public Engagement (Online Survey) – Wolseley to Downtown Walk Bike Project

The City of Winnipeg is currently undertaking the Wolseley to Downtown Corridor Project to identify options to improve travel choices, accessibility and connectivity. The study area runs east-west through Wolseley Avenue/Westminster Avenue, Balmoral Street, and Granite Way.The City wants to know how you use the roads and sidewalks in the project area, what is working well and what you think could be improved. This information

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Chevrier Buffered Bike Lanes

In 2018, buffered bike lanes will be built on Chevrier Boulevard from Waverley Street to Pembina Highway. This will also include construction of a multi-use path on the east side of Waverley Street from Chevrier Boulevard to McGillivray Boulevard. The Chevrier Walk Bike Project will connect residents and businesses to the future Southwest Transitway Chevrier station and pathway. The western extent of the cycling

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Adjustable Bike Lane Curb Survey

The City is exploring the feasibility of adjustable bike lane curbs. Winnipeg is running a nine-month trial of adjustable bike lane curbs on existing bike lanes. The trial will include testing installation methods, monitoring maintenance including snow clearing and spring clean-up, and comfort level of users. These adjustable bike lane curbs will allow the City to install protected bike lanes, while still being able

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Bannantyne & McDermot bike lanes

  McDermot Avenue and Bannatyne Avenue provide important east-west connections between Waterfront Drive and Sherbrook Street. This project will improve the existing painted bike lanes to protected lanes so that that they are comfortable for people of all ages and abilities. Construction is expected to being in early summer of one-way protected bike lanes on both McDermot Avenue and Bannatyne Avenue between Waterfront Drive

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