Bike Winnipeg to Launch Local Bike Groups

We are excited to announce that as a part of our efforts to reach out into the community, we will be developing a number of Local Bike Groups tasked with engaging community members and local stakeholders in the refinement of our plans for the city’s bike network, as a resource to help us fulfill our role as a stakeholder in various city projects related

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Draft Recommendations and Comments – Wolseley to Downtown Walk/Bike Project Preliminary Designs

The Pedestrian and Cycling strategies call for bikeways along Westminster/Young/Balmoral/Granite Way from Dominion to Osborne, and along Wolseley from Omands Creek to Furby. The Wolseley neighbourhood has embraced some of the highest levels of sustainable transportation seen in the city. Residents of the West Broadway neighbourhood have some of the lowest car ownership rates in the city. The residents of these neighbourhoods, and the

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Doors Open 2019

This Saturday, May 25th, hop on your bike and explore Winnipeg’s distinct spaces, outstanding architecture and vibrant history with Bike Winnipeg! This casually paced group ride will connect you to a number of free bicycle valet hubs strategically located within a short walk of several featured Doors Open Winnipeg buildings. Park your bike securely with us as you explore the buildings. Group rides will

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Safe Position on the Road

Excellent video that illustrates the safety concerns of cyclists using the road, and how the bicyclist’s position on the roadway can dramatically increase or decrease the most common crash types. Designed for training traffic police officers. Law Enforcement: Understanding Cyclists’ Position on the Roadway from CyclingSavvy on Vimeo.

Winter Bike to Work Day Activities

The cold in the air can only mean one thing. Winter Bike to Work Day is just around the corner! Winter Bike to Work Day falls on Friday, February 8th this year. As always you can commit to ride at the official Winter Bike to Work Day site. Let’s get Winnipeg onto the map. We’ve got a couple of activities planned for the day

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Ordinary Cyclists Need Cleared Paths

Bike Winnipeg has responded to Councillor Browaty telling him that, if it looks like most people who ride bikes in Winnipeg during the winter are hard core cyclists, this is a consequence of the lack of snow clearing on bike routes.  Many patches of ice and mounds of snow in critical places on the bike lanes create unsafe conditions for anyone but the strongest

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Bikes; a tool for sustainable development

Bike Winnipeg has told Manitoba Government budget consultations to set aside the image of bicycles as toys for leisure, and think of them as tools for building a sustainable economy. We said: Spending on more and better roads is a vicious circle that leads to more cars on those roads, more miles driven, and more demand expensive improvements. Reliance on cars & trucks for

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U of M/South St. Vital Walk/Bike Bridge Backgrounder

The University of Manitoba’s Fort Garry Campus is the second most visited destination in the City of Winnipeg. Only the downtown attracts more trips than the Fort Garry Campus. If we want to get more people biking more often in the City of Winnipeg, our planning will have to consider ways to get people biking to the U of M’s Fort Garry Campus. St.

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Bike Winnipeg Supports Opening Portage & Main

At Bike Winnipeg, we believe that a vote to open Portage & Main is a vote towards the acceptance of alternative modes of transportation in our city. We believe it aligns with a shift from car-centric decision-making to a multi-modal approach to decision making, where walking, biking, transit, movement of goods, and driving a car are all considered. This shift in thinking is what

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Transcona Trail- Pandora Ave West Connection Backgrounder

The Trasncona Trail was one of the biggest projects included in the 2010 Federal Stimulus Fund Package. It runs 6.7km from the Perimeter Highway across the northern limit of Transcona before veering southwest to follow the CEMR rail line to Regent Ave, where it ends.The Transcona Trail Extension project will extend the Transcona Trail across Regent Avenue and westward to Panet Rd. Construction of

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