News item

Priorities for Cycling Infrastructure

Bike Winnipeg sent a letter to Mayor and Council this week recommending priorities for cycling infrastructure in the upcoming budget: Based on our experience riding on Winnipeg streets, and talking to many of the people who ride with us, we believe that the City will get the best return on investment by concentrating initial cycling infrastructure investments in: Creating a network of high-quality protected

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2015 Winnipeg Bicycle Counts Report

We are happy to release the 2015 Winnipeg Bicycle Counts Report, which provides a summary of the 86 counts conducted at 25 sites across Winnipeg in the spring of 2015. There is strong evidence that even the limited construction of new cycling infrastructure that has occurred since 2009 has had a positive impact on the numbers of cyclists in Winnipeg. This year’s bike counts

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Road Safety Update

In December, the Public Utilities Board again turned up the pressure on MPI to improve the effectiveness of its road safety programs. Bike Winnipeg participated in the annual hearing of MPI’s programs and rates, arguing that: Road safety should focus on reducing accidents that cause injuries and deaths, and MPI should develop road safety programs that effectively tell drivers how to steer around cyclists.

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Russ Wyatt’s Antics Nothing More Than Fear Mongering

Russ Wyatt claims the Pedestrian & Cycling Strategies are flawed because of a lack of consultations, alleging that advocacy groups like Bike Winnipeg have undue influence at city hall (we wish!). 3,000 People Engaged in Public Consultation Process Like the rest of the public, we first saw the completed strategies (and proposed cycling network) on May 1st. That’s not to say we and the

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Clarence Avenue Reconstruction Recommendations

A Once in 25 Years Opportunity to Improve Transportation Options The reconstruction of Clarence Avenue between Marshall Bay (West Leg) and Pembina Highway in 2015 offers an opportunity to make improvements to pedestrian and cycling infrastructure on what will be an important neighbourhood connection to the buffered bike lanes planned along Pembina Highway and the planned Clarence Transit Station and Park & Ride site

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Provencher Boulevard Parking Protected Bike Lanes

On March 24 2015, former Bike Winnipeg director Stéphane Dorge (OSBRA Volunteer) presented his Provencher Boulevard Protected Bike Lane Project to the Old St. Boniface Residents’ Association (OSBRA). The project envisions a reinvigorated Provencher Boulevard that provides all users of the road safe, convenient and comfortable passage through Old St. Boniface whether they choose to walk, bike, bus, or drive. Stéphane’s plan would see

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Councilor Browaty opposes key AT Through Pass

Cyclists who live in Councillor Browaty’s riding should call him to set him straight about the need for a safe way to get across the North Perimeter. During the last election, the NDP promised to build a safe AT crossing of the North Perimeter between Henderson and Highway 59. We were consulted on the design on of this crossing, and agreed that the proposed plan made

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First Glance Response – Budget 2015

Bike Winnipeg is pleased to see increased funding for active transportation in the City of Winnipeg’s 2015 Preliminary Capital Budget. Funding for bicycle corridors will remain at $1 million in 2015 and rise to $2.2 million per year by 2018, while funding for sidewalks, recreational walkways and bike paths increases from $0.75 million in 2014 to $1.4 million this year, rising to $3.2 million

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Rapid Transit Announcement Provides Healthy Transportation Options

With today’s announcement of funding for the completion of the 2nd phase of the Southwest Rapid Transit Corridor, the City of Winnipeg has taken a huge step forward in its efforts to make Winnipeg a more sustainable city. The decision to move forward on this project means Winnipeg transit riders in the southwest quadrant of the city will continue to have consistent, predictable service

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McPhillips Greenway Takes First Steps

It was our great pleasure to speak before the City of Winnipeg’s Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works Committee this morning in favour of Old Kildonan Councillor Devi Sharma’s motion to have the city look into the feasibility of a bicycle and pedestrian pathway along a Manitoba Hydro right of way just west of McPhillips Street. We received positive feedback from all members of the

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