Cycling Insfrastructure

Rapid Transit Announcement Provides Healthy Transportation Options

With today’s announcement of funding for the completion of the 2nd phase of the Southwest Rapid Transit Corridor, the City of Winnipeg has taken a huge step forward in its efforts to make Winnipeg a more sustainable city. The decision to move forward on this project means Winnipeg transit riders in the southwest quadrant of the city will continue to have consistent, predictable service

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What winning candidates said

We interviewed as many candidates as we could before the Winnipeg election. The winners among them offered good ideas: Brian Bowman; “An equal priority for each mode of transportation” Jenny Gerbasi;  “It started on bike to work day when I got on a bike…  This is one of the issues I feel really passionate about…” Brian Mayes: “I think it’s time to focus on

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Many candidates agree with cyclists on needs

In a quick survey last week, Bike Winnipeg found that many Winnipeg civic candidates and cyclists agree that the City’s infrastructure should encourage cycling as a year-around alternative to travelling by car. The survey was distributed by e-mail to all candidates and to over 1,000 cyclists. 34 of 66 candidates responded, as did over 300 cyclists. The views of these candidates closely reflected the

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Polo Park Infrastructure Improvements – A Missed Opportunity

The second open house for the Polo Park Infrastructure Improvements project will take place in the Center Court of the Polo Park Shopping Centre on Thursday May 8th. A detailed design has been completed and a construction staging plan developed. Bike Winnipeg is concerned that the plans moving forward fail to address the vision being put forth in the pedestrian and cycling strategies –

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