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Empress St. Pathway Connections Backgrounder

A pathway along the east side of Empress Street will be built in 2019 as part of the Empress Street and Overpass Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Project, extending from St. Matthews Avenue in the north south over the Empress Street Overpass to the North Assiniboine Parkway. Future plans call for the pathway to be extended north all the way to Saskatchewan Avenue, where it will

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Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway Backgrounder

The Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway will be constructed as a separated bicycle and pedestrians pathway along a hydro right of way running parallel to McPhillips Street from just north of the McPhilips Street Casino to the Seven Oaks Hospital and beyond. Te Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway will eventually extend to the future Chief Peguis Trail and Precinct G, and ultimately north across the Perimeter Highway.

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Chief Peguis Trail West Extension Recommendations

Introduction Extension of the Chief Peguis Trail (CPT) from Main Street to Brookside Boulevard will be a major investment for the City of Winnipeg. It will be an important component of the City’s planned Inner Ring Road, as well as the northwestern segment of the cycling ring envisioned as part of the proposed bike network that has been based on the concept of a

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CPR Yards Crossing Recommendations

With the Arlington Street Bridge scheduled to be taken out of service by 2020, the City of Winnipeg has commissioned a study to determine the best possible plan  to move people and goods safely and efficiently across the CPR Yards once the Arlington Street Bridge closes. Draft plans have been developed, with multiple options for reconstruction of the Arlington Street Bridge to be started

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