Construction of Garry Street Bike Lane in 2018
Construction of a new, two-way protected bike lane along Garry Street with connections to the Exchange District on Notre Dame Avenue, Princess Street, and Arthur Street is underway and is expected to be complete in 2019. When complete, the new protected bike lane will provide a safe link from the Assiniboine Avenue cycle track to the Exchange District. The two-way bike lane will be physically separated
Winnipeg Bike Count 2016
Bike Winnipeg’s bike counts from 2007 to 2016 indicate that: On a typical weekday in mid to late spring, an estimated 6,000 cyclists commuted in and out of the downtown area of Winnipeg, and throughout the entire city about 12,600 cyclists commuted on a given day. The total number of individual commuter cyclists in the city would be higher, given that not every cyclist commutes
Winnipeg Road Safety Strategy
City Councillors have instructed staff to develop a road safety strategy that aligns with the principles of “Towards Zero”, i.e. the elimination of fatalities and serious injuries on our roads. Bike Winnipeg is delighted to see the City take a leadership role on road safety. For the past couple years, we have been asking Winnipeg and Manitoba to adopt this kind of approach, to make our
BW calls for Health Assessment of all Government Expenditures
BW has recommended to the Government review of the Health Care System that all departments be required to produce health impact assessments for future policies and programs. The government must invest in programs and infrastructure that nudge Manitobans toward healthy outcomes, and refrain from investing in those which do the opposite. In particular, the Government should review the health impact of investments in transportation
Scotia St – Kildonan Dr AT Bridge Information Sessions
Bike Winnipeg invites you to attend one of two public information sessions exploring the potential for a Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge over the Red River connecting Scotia Street (near Rupertsland) to Kildonan Drive (Bronx Pl.). The City of Winnipeg’s Pedestrian & Cycling Strategy calls for a dense, connected bicycle network to be developed over the next 20 years that will provide direct routes to key destinations.
Pembina Highway Rehab Recommendations
The City of Winnipeg will be rehabilitating a segment of Pembina Highway between Confusion Corner and Grant Avenue in the coming years, which will allow for the addition of buffered bike lanes along with the rehabilitation of travel lanes and sidewalks. We see this as a positive step that will benefit all users of Pembina Highway, especially those of us who ride (or would
MPI’s Two-Way Street Messaging
In recent years, Bike Winnipeg has expressed concern that MPI cyclist safety ad campaigns are not helpful. This spring, Bike Winnipeg has asked MPI to feature a message that teaches drivers how to behave around cyclists on the road, focusing on an issue that creates danger for cyclists. We requested that MPI not use the “two way street” message, because it does not teach
West Alexander Ped/Bike Corridor Engagement Events
In September 2015, the City of Winnipeg initiated a public engagement process to receive input on the West Alexander Pedestrian and Cycling Corridor. Feedback received during this process has been incorporated into the design options for an east-west pedestrian and cycling connection through the West Alexander neighbourhood. Visit one of two pop-up engagement events (or online) to view the options that have been designed
One metre safe passing amendment
MLA Dave Gaudreau is introducing a private members’ bill for second reading today in the legislature to define safe passing distance as one metre when passing a bicycle. Bike Winnipeg sent him the following letter of support. You can support him by sending email to explaining why safe passing distance is important to you. Bike Winnipeg strongly supports your private member’s bill that would
Winter Bike to Work Day 2016
The 4th Annual International Winter Bike to Work Day will be taking place this Friday February 12th. People in cities all over the world are committing to ride this Friday in a celebration of winter cycling. Have you committed to ride on Friday? Winter Bike to Work Day is a chance to celebrate the joys of riding through winter, and to think about what