Polo Park Infrastructure Improvements – A Missed Opportunity

The second open house for the Polo Park Infrastructure Improvements project will take place in the Center Court of the Polo Park Shopping Centre on Thursday May 8th. A detailed design has been completed and a construction staging plan developed. Bike Winnipeg is concerned that the plans moving forward fail to address the vision being put forth in the pedestrian and cycling strategies –

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Is Your Winnipeg Bike Route Blocked?

Are you having difficulty cycling on the bike lanes and bike paths in Winnipeg because of poor snow clearing? Please send us pictures & descriptions of bike routes blocked by snow to https://www.facebook.com/BikeWinnipeg or city@bikewinnipeg.ca .  We need your input ASAP to show the City and the media the extent of the problem. Be sure to send a copy to 311@winnipeg.ca. Let’s get these maintenance

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One Metre Rule

January2, 2014 By Bruce Owen Winnipeg Free Press MPI told to reinforce message to drivers, cyclists It doesn’t feel like bicycling weather now, but in a few months, thousands of cyclists will take to Winnipeg streets and resume the annual jostling between bicycles and vehicles. In a recent decision, the Public Utilities Board recommended Manitoba Public Insurance “reinforce” the message of a one-metre passing

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MPI says it can’t lead road safety in Manitoba

In their final argument at the hearing on 2014 rates, MPI representatives told the PUB that MPI’s role in road safety is jurisdictionally “limited” to research and education. This is very different language from the “leadership” language on road safety MPI touts in their coporate vision statement: “MPI will lead driver and vehicle safety initiatives that reduce risk and protect Manitobans, their streets and

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Setting the Stage for the 2014 City of Winnipeg Budget

As we get closer to 2014, planning for the 2014 City of Winnipeg budget is well under way. Bike Winnipeg continues to advocate for an increased emphasis on cycling infrastructure and programming in the city’s capital and operational budgets, and hopes that our written submission to the 2014 City of Winnipeg budget consultation process will be taken to heart as the budgets are finalized

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Riding on federal coattails has to stop

Winnipeg cyclists, like Winnipeggers in general, can sometimes be too negative about their city. They feel Winnipeg is falling behind other parts of Canada, let alone other countries, in the worldwide movement to promote cycling and all forms of human-powered transportation. It turns out, however, we haven’t been waiting for the perfect conditions or government programs to start changing, as I found out when

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Traffic bylaw Amendment – Parade Permits

Cyclists learn about "From Here Until Now", a public art piece on the Osborne Bridge

Update – The Winnipeg Police Service has removed the proposed amendment from tomorrow’s EPC agenda. An information session is scheduled for 7pm tonight at Mondragon Bookstore & Coffeehouse (91 Albert Street). Bike Winnipeg shares the concern expressed by many in Winnipeg’s cycling community that a proposed amendment to the City of Winnipeg’s traffic by-law 1573/77 seeking to include cyclists within the scope of the

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Bike Friendly Business Network Launched

Bike Friendly Business Network members will all have adequate bicycle parking, cycling maps, loaner locka, and a bike bump should you need it.

Our friends at the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ and Exchange District BIZ have launched a great new program that we wanted to let you know about.  The Bike Friendly Business Network recognizes that cyclists are important customers that benefit local businesses, and offers cyclists rewards for patronizing bike friendly businesses. Bikes Mean Business It turns out that all that money cyclists save on transportation when

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MPI & PUB refuse BW intervention on Road Safety

The Manitoba Public Utilities Board has refused Bike Winnipeg’s application for joint intervention with the Manitoba Consumers’ Association of Canada at the MPI hearing. Working with pro bono lawyer James Benson, a small group of Bike Winnipeg volunteers put a lot of time into preparing for the MPI hearing, which the PUB had indicated would include a significant focus on promoting safety on Manitoba roads.

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