Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway Backgrounder
The Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway will be constructed as a separated bicycle and pedestrians pathway along a hydro right of way running parallel to McPhillips Street from just north of the McPhilips Street Casino to the Seven Oaks Hospital and beyond. Te Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway will eventually extend to the future Chief Peguis Trail and Precinct G, and ultimately north across the Perimeter Highway.
A Northwest version of the Bishop Grandin Greenway?
Serving an area that has very few roadways with cycling specific infrastructure, the Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway is envisioned as a major spine in the City’s planned cycling network. Much like the Bishop Grandin Greenway in the south end of the city, the Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway has the potential to offer cyclists a route substantially removed from traffic.
Over $1 million has been allocated for design and construction of the Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway to date. Construction work on the greenway should begin in 2019, starting from it’s northern end near the Seven Oaks Hospital.
Candidates Asked to Commit to Completion to Jarvis Avenue by 2022
We are calling on all candidates in Mynarski, Old Kildonan, and Point Douglas to commit to completion of the Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway to Jarvis Avenue by the end of their first term in office in 2022.
In addition, we are calling on all candidates to commit to demand that any extension of the Chief Peguis Trail (CPT) west will include planing for a future grade separation over the CPT along Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway, and to ensure that its construction is included in any developer agreements related to Precinct D.
- Reserve/Acquire necessary property for construction of a Pedestrian & Cycling bridge
- The Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway is proposed as an off road spine in the city’s bike network, and will provide connectivity between Precinct D, Seven Oaks Hospital, the McPhillips & Leila Regional Mixed Used Centre, and the Downtown.
- The importance of this crossing in the pedestrian and bicycle networks matches the importance of arterial streets which are routinely included in developer agreements.

The Northwest Hydro Corridor is identified as a high quality network spine in the Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies
Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway Highlights:
- Creates a cycling connection into the northwest of the city
- Currently under served in terms of cycling routes
- Long term plans include a cycling crossing of the CPR main line
- Excellent connectivity with existing and planned east/west cycling routes
- Chief Peguis Trail Pathways
- Kingsbury Avenue
- Jefferson Avenue
- Church/Machray Avenues
- Pritchard Avenue
- Alexander/Pacfic/Elgin Avenues (Health Science Centre Complex & both Red River College Campuses
- Potential to Connect/Extend North/South Routes
- Empress Street Pathway
- Winnipeg Beach Greenway
- Connects to Many High Value Destinations
More Information
- Bike Winnipeg Discussion Paper:
— Northwest Hydro Corridor Greenway Discussion Paper (9MB pdf)
— low resolution version (1MB pdf) - 2018 Pedestrian and Cycling Program Action Plan (pdf)
- Chief Peguis Trail Extension Project (City of Winnipeg)