Nikolas Joyal – St. Norbert-Seine River 2018

Home   Winnipeg Election 2018   St. Norbert – Seine River 2018   Nikolas Joyal – St. Norbert-Seine River 2018

From candidate’s website platform re active transportation (accessed 2 Oct 2018):

“As more and more people choose cycling as a mode of transportation, the city must continue to grow and enhance its network of cycling routes. Cyclists should not have to chose between sharing the road with vehicles or breaking the law by riding on the sidewalk. In the past several years, the city has taken encouraging step to address this issue. As someone who bikes to work, to school and for enjoyment, I know the sense of safety separated lanes and bike paths provide.

An example of this is the Pembina Highway bike corridor. As this project moves closer to completion, the city can apply the lessons learned to the construction of on-street, separated bike lanes on St. Mary’s and St. Anne’s road. This will provide a safe, direct route from the South Perimeter Highway all the way to downtown. These lessons can also be applied to other similarly sized streets within the city, such as Regent Ave, Grant Ave, Henderson Hwy and McPhillips St, as examples. In order to have a functional, user friendly cycling network, there are several steps the city should take:

Short term goal:

  • Increased signage that clearly indicates right of ways, provides reminders to drivers to be aware of cyclists, and shows procedures for turning and moving across bike lanes. Many of the negative interactions between cyclists and drivers is the result of a lack of information over who is supposed to do what. By clearly indicating how to navigate intersections and turning lanes that feature bike traffic, the safety of cyclists can be improved.

Long term goals:

  • Continue to focus on protected, on-street bike lanes for the ever-increasing number of cyclists. Separating bikes from cars improves safety for cyclists by reducing the possibility of accidents and collisions.
  • Construct wider sidewalks and shared use paths. As the city expands the bike network, it is important to accommodate casual riders, not just commuters. Wider sidewalks are also necessary on streets that are unable to accommodate separated bike lanes. The width of the recently re-done South St. Vital Trail (between 3 and 3.5 meters) is the perfect example of a path able to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists with plenty of room to spare
  • Redesigning of intersections so that they better accommodate bike traffic. Even on streets that feature bike lanes, little consideration has been given to how cyclists make left turns without moving onto a sidewalk or cutting through traffic. Moving stop lines back one car length at intersections allows a safe and easy way for those on bikes to establish themselves for left hand turns by being in front of stopped vehicle traffic rather than within it.”
 The candidate also has a platform re public transit.

From Vote Winnipeg 2018 (Winnipeg Free Press) accessed 2 Oct 2018:

Q: “What is your position on reopening Portage and Main to pedestrians?” Answer not provided.

Q: “What should Winnipeg’s plan be for the future of public and active transit?” “Winnipeg should be prioritizing forms of transportation that will help to lessen the wear and tear on roads, with the added bonus of reducing congestion. The city should require that all road renewal and new infrastructure projects contain an active transportation component. New neighbourhoods should be designed with a focus on walking and cycling, and also be laid out to accommodate transit service. Finally, the city must continue the expansion of the Bus Rapid Transit network, in addition to creating more diamond lanes and priority signals. Overall, the city should have a detailed official plan in regards to both active transportation and public transit and how they are part of the overall transportation network.”

From Winnipeg Votes 2018 (CBC) accessed 18 Oct 2018:

Q: “How would you improve public transit service for people in the St. Norbert-Seine River ward?”  “I think one of the big things is to keep investing into rapid transit. While it won’t directly impact the St. Vital area, at least it will have a huge impact on the St. Norbert area, the area closer to the university. The big thing I’d like to see is transitioning from a radial system that we have now, where everything kind of comes outwards from the downtown, to more of a hub-and-spoke system, where the city identifies major hubs within the city — so shopping malls, universities, community centres, where they kind of act as a centre for the area.… They would all meet up at these regional hubs, and then from there, there would be direct buses from there to the downtown, or from those hubs to other hubs within the city.”

Q: “What’s your vision for the future of this ward (and for the city)?” “The whole reason I’m running is that I don’t feel like the current council, or most of the other candidates, have a vision for not just next year or two years from now, but 10 or 20 or 30 years from now. And as someone who’s in the 18- to 25-year-old voting demographic, I’m going to be one of the people that has to deal with decisions that are made now, and pay for decisions that are made now. So rather than the city saying, “Well, we have to spend X number of hundreds of millions of dollars on building new roads,” I’d rather see them say, “Well, maybe if we spent some of this money on improving transit service, or making it easier and safer for more people to cycle or walk to work. Maybe we don’t have to spend as much money on this thing in the long term.”

The candidate completed the 2018 all-candidate environmental survey: A coalition of Winnipeg Environmental Organizations compiled questions for an all-candidate (Mayoral and Councilor) survey with questions relating to the environment, including AT.


