Glenn Churchill – St. Norbert-Seine River 2018

Home   Winnipeg Election 2018   St. Norbert – Seine River 2018   Glenn Churchill – St. Norbert-Seine River 2018

Quote from the candidate’s website (accessed 25 Sept 2018): “I will continue with support of the dedicated bike lanes on Pembina Highway. Having this route extend to the south end of St. Norbert will create a continuous facility to downtown. There are opportunities for improvements to multi-modal transportation in Fort Richmond to create a safe facility for U of M students and other local users. There is a lack of a north / south route in south St. Vital, and improved cycling infrastructure needs to be in place along St. Mary’s Road and St. Anne’s Road. I will work alongside local cycling advocate groups to create a functional cycling network in the south end of Winnipeg.

Our system of pathways should be enjoyed year-round, not just in the summer months. I will work with Public Works to ensure that the pathways that run through our neighbourhoods are cleared of snow. Children use these pathways as a safe passage to go to and from school in the spring and fall; they should be able to use the same pathways in the winter”. There are additional statements on website re snow clearing of pathways.

From Vote Winnipeg 2018 (Winnipeg Free Press) accessed 2 Oct 2018:

Q: “What is your position on reopening Portage and Main to pedestrians?” Answer not provided.

Q: “What should Winnipeg’s plan be for the future of public and active transit?” “Public and active transit options need to be expanded. The growth of our city will require this. Without developing an effective transit system, our roads will experience more and more congestion as the population increases. The key to this is effective. Residents need to have ease of access to various modes of transportation or else they will use personal vehicles as their main mode of transportation.

A full transit master plan study is currently in the beginning stages. This study needs to be done properly with a vision of 50 years in the future. I want to ensure this master plan encapsulates all that Winnipeg will need in the future.”

From Winnipeg Votes 2018 (CBC) accessed 18 Oct 2018:

Q: “How would you improve public transit service for people in the St. Norbert-Seine River ward?”  “Actually, there is a study that’s going to be done starting up shortly here by Winnipeg Transit. They’re hiring a consultant to do that, and that’s going to take about a year. And part of that plan is to review full-service [transit] in Winnipeg, both regular routes, [bus rapid transit], Handi-Transit and all other aspects of transit.

So once that study’s done, or I guess while it’s going on … I want to ensure that south Winnipeg residents, both in south St. Vital, St. Norbert [and] Fort Richmond, have their say in there, and that their needs are also met through that study. So part of that would be to have local buses run around, doing routes and delivering people to a central hub, whether it’s St. Vital [Centre], or [the] University of Manitoba, where they can connect with larger routes going to downtown.”

Q: “What’s your vision for the future of this ward (and for the city)?” “Right now, it’s very vehicle-dependent. I’ve heard a lot of people say that they have no option but to drive, because the bus service is infrequent or poor, and the cycling facilities aren’t there, and other options aren’t there for them to travel around. So I’d like to be able to expand the cycling infrastructure down to the south end of the city, and as well, improve transit in the area to have people have other options to get around.”

The candidate did not complete the 2018 all-candidate environmental survey: A coalition of Winnipeg Environmental Organizations compiled questions for an all-candidate (Mayoral and Councilor) survey with questions relating to the environment, including AT.

