Bradley Gross – Old Kildonan 2018

Home   Winnipeg Election 2018   Old Kildonan 2018   Bradley Gross – Old Kildonan 2018

Website: n/a
Twitter: @509sold

No specific statements or platform concerning cycling and active transportation appear on the candidate’s website (accessed 1 Oct 2018). Reference to No hidden red light cameras, better roadways

From Vote Winnipeg 2018 (Winnipeg Free Press) accessed 2 Oct 2018:

Q: “What should Winnipeg’s plan be for the future of public and active transit?”

A: “better traffic for all lights need to be longer going from dt if we can’t synchronize them which has been promised many mayors ago”

Q: “What is your position on reopening Portage and Main to pedestrians?”

A: “i feel we have other more urgent issues to spend tax dollars on”

Email Correspondence with Bike Winnipeg dated October 10, 2018:

biking is important I personally think it could have been better.

So if I get in I will make positive changes

The candidate completed the 2018 all-candidate environmental survey: A coalition of Winnipeg Environmental Organizations compiled questions for an all-candidate (Mayoral and Councilor) survey with questions relating to the environment, including AT.