Kevin Klein – Charleswood-Tuxedo 2018

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No statements or platform re cycling and active transportation appear on candidate’s social media.

From Vote Winnipeg 2018 (Winnipeg Free Press) accessed 17 Oct 2018:

Q: “What is your position on reopening Portage and Main to pedestrians?” I believe we should add a third potential response for people: Not Right Now or Maybe Later. We have more important issues we’re facing as a city today. I believe our famous Portage and Main landmark is an important part of who we are. And I would much rather see opening Portage and Main as the final stage of a real downtown strategy. A plan that included investment from businesses and a commitment to attracting, serving and entertaining consumers. Also, there must be a way to do it that isn’t caught in the ephemeral notions of urbanist dreams, but practically suited to a winter city and a transportation route that carries tractor trailers as well as bicycles. Perhaps we need to find a means to re-route certain elements of traffic around the Central Business District rather than try to accommodate what we have at present? I don’t see a strong plan with the proposed opening. We can do better.

Q: “What should Winnipeg’s plan be for the future of public and active transit?” “A stable, reliable and safe transit system can empower many people that live in our community.

I’ve heard from many people, answered several emails on the topic, including my sister-in-law who is dependent on transit. First and foremost, a strong and reliable transit system is necessary for a growing city. If want our city to grow and prosper, transit is a key component. I am told repeatedly that the level of service is not getting any better and safety is a growing concern. We’ve seen that increasing transit fares is not the answer. Instead, the solution is better management practices.

For example, we currently do not use smaller/compact buses well enough on low demand routes or during low demand times of the day. Instead larger buses are often seen carrying two or three passengers on some routes, while other routes never seem to have enough buses. I believe that’s a system management issue. And it should go without saying that we must replace diesel buses with more modern, less expensive and locally built electric buses.

Winnipeg is not the first city Canada to have safety concerns on transit. The answer is not simply putting police officers on buses at random. The cost would become prohibited and that type of solution would not last. Many other cities the size of Winnipeg have developed strategies that have proven to be effective in reducing transit safety concerns. We need a long term strategy that will deliver positive results and be cost effective.

I also think it is important that we re-engage with the province and revisit the current funding framework.

To date City Hall has taken an antagonistic approach to dealing with different levels of government. No surprise, it hasn’t worked that well. Once we clean up our own backyard in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, we’ll be in a much stronger position to negotiate more funding to grow and improve the service.

As the elected representative for Charleswood – Tuxedo – Westwood, I’ll push for accountability and better management not just in Transit, in every City Department. I’ll ensure we are working with others including the province in a collaborative, cooperative and inclusive manner that’s much more effective than current approaches.”

Email Correspondence with Bike Winnipeg dated October 11, 2018:

I believe that an active city is a vibrant city. I support the creation of facilities and programs that encourage walking and cycling including multiple-use pathways, bike paths and bike lanes to improve our neighbourhood’s ability to support more active lifestyles.

The candidate did not complete the 2018 all-candidate environmental survey: A coalition of Winnipeg Environmental Organizations compiled questions for an all-candidate (Mayoral and Councilor) survey with questions relating to the environment, including AT.