Ken St. George – Charleswood-Tuxedo 2018

Home   Winnipeg Election 2018   Charleswood – Tuxedo 2018   Ken St. George – Charleswood-Tuxedo 2018

Facebook: Facebook/ken.stgeorge.56
Twitter: @KenStG4council

Specific statements re: cycling and AT:  “Safety for pedestrians and cyclists with minimal disruption to those settled along [Kenaston Blvd] and soon to be developed Kapyong Barracks is imperative.”

From Vote Winnipeg 2018 (Winnipeg Free Press) accessed 18 Ocy 2018)

Q: “What is your position on reopening Portage and Main to pedestrians?” “Yes, when it is feasible. Too many pressing issues, especially socially and other infrastructure issues, like our disastrous and outdated water and waste systems. . I want to see it open, just not sure the time is now.”

Q: “What should Winnipeg’s plan be for the future of public and active transit?” “My dad is badge#1 for Transit, 44 years and still going. I have massive vision for Transit. Articulated electric buses on the BRT’s, a transformation to full electric fleet in 20 years, park and rides at the perimeter to reduce congestion from commuters entering Winnipeg daily to work. However, increasing this service, improving ridership, Green transformations, better service to developing communities, none can happen unless recruitment and retainment of drivers improve. This leads back to what I feel is the most important issue, driver safety. Without it, we get nowhere. Lobbying to the Province, and holding them accountable for two revenue flows specifically, transfer payments and carbon tax, will also be imperative in improving this service, and I ensure all readers, I am an expert in lobbying and collaboration.”

The candidate completed the 2018 all-candidate environmental survey: A coalition of Winnipeg Environmental Organizations compiled questions for an all-candidate (Mayoral and Councilor) survey with questions relating to the environment, including AT.