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BW at PUB hearing of MPI plans for 2017

BW has been granted intervenor status in the MPI rate hearing before the Public Utilities Board this fall. We intend to argue that MPI should: • Allocate a larger budget to road safety in general • Create programs to change driver behaviours that are dangerous to cyclists • Do a better job of collecting, analysing, and acting on data about accidents which injure or

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MPI’s Two-Way Street Messaging

In recent years, Bike Winnipeg has expressed concern that MPI cyclist safety ad campaigns are not helpful. This spring, Bike Winnipeg has asked MPI to feature a message that teaches drivers how to behave around cyclists on the road, focusing on an issue that creates danger for cyclists. We requested that MPI not use the “two way street” message, because it does not teach

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MPI says it can’t lead road safety in Manitoba

In their final argument at the hearing on 2014 rates, MPI representatives told the PUB that MPI’s role in road safety is jurisdictionally “limited” to research and education. This is very different language from the “leadership” language on road safety MPI touts in their coporate vision statement: “MPI will lead driver and vehicle safety initiatives that reduce risk and protect Manitobans, their streets and

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MPI & PUB refuse BW intervention on Road Safety

The Manitoba Public Utilities Board has refused Bike Winnipeg’s application for joint intervention with the Manitoba Consumers’ Association of Canada at the MPI hearing. Working with pro bono lawyer James Benson, a small group of Bike Winnipeg volunteers put a lot of time into preparing for the MPI hearing, which the PUB had indicated would include a significant focus on promoting safety on Manitoba roads.

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Bike Winnnipeg’s Ongoing Fight for Road Safety

Bike Winnipeg has been working on many fronts to ensure Manitoba drivers get the right information about how to maneuver near cyclists on the road. We are currently struggling to play a stronger role in the Public Utilities Board (PUB) review of MPI’s services and rates.  We are collaborating with the Consumers’ Association of Manitoba to bring up issues that are important not just

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MPI delays process to improve road safety

Last fall, Bike to the Future made a significant effort to put forward a solid presentation on road safety and cycling at MPI’s general rate hearing at the PUB. MPI’s vision statement, as filed at the hearing included: “7. Manitoba Public Insurance will lead driver and vehicle safety initiatives that reduce risk and protect Manitobans, their streets and their neighbourhoods. Manitobans will recognize the

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