Draft Recommendations and Comments – Wolseley to Downtown Walk/Bike Project Preliminary Designs
The Pedestrian and Cycling strategies call for bikeways along Westminster/Young/Balmoral/Granite Way from Dominion to Osborne, and along Wolseley from Omands Creek to Furby. The Wolseley neighbourhood has embraced some of the highest levels of sustainable transportation seen in the city. Residents of the West Broadway neighbourhood have some of the lowest car ownership rates in the city. The residents of these neighbourhoods, and the
Wolseley/Westminster/Balmoral/Granite Bikeway Backgrounder
As part of the 2018 Pedestrian and Cycling Program Action Plan, the city awarded a contract for the Study and Design of the Wolseley to Downtown Corridor in June of 2018. This study will develop an all ages and abilities pedestrian and cycling connection from the Wolseley neighbourhood to the Downtown. The resulting design will connect: to the Omand Park path at Raglan Road/Wolseley
St. Vital Bridge Rehabilitation Project Backgrounder
Connecting the Churchill Pathway, the Hay St Neighbourhood Greenway, Kingston Row, the Dunkirk Pathway, and the Niakwa Pathway, the St. Vital Bridge over the Red River and the tunnels at its north and south ends are scheduled for a major rehabilitation in 2024 and 2025. Preliminary design for the rehabilitation work is scheduled for 2022, with detailed design scheduled for 2023. Included in the
Osborne St Underpass Rehabilitation Backgrounder
The Osborne Street Underpass has to be one of the biggest barriers to cycling in the City of Winnipeg. People on bikes are squeezed up against a giant wall of concrete and forced to share a narrow, pot-holed roadway with a an endless stream of buses, trucks, and cars. The good news is that preliminary design work for a major rehabilitation of the Osborne
Improve Connections to the U of W
With over 10,000 students, staff, and faculty, the University of Winnipeg’s Downtown Campus is one of the Downtown’s most important destinations. If we want to get more people biking more often, we will have to ensure that the U of W’s Downtown Campus is served by multiple low stress bikeways that are direct, convenient, and comfortable. With the high volume of trips coming into
Pembina Hwy Protected/Buffered Bike Lanes Backgrounder
Since 2008, the City of Winnipeg has been installing buffered bike lanes along Pembina Highway as part of routine rehabilitation work on the roadway funded through the Regional Street Renewals Program. To date, sections of buffered bike lane have been installed (or are being installed) along the following stretches of Pembina Hwy: Jessie Ave to Grant Ave (scheduled for completion in 2019) Harrow St
Osborne Village to Downtown Walk Bike Bridge & Connections Backgrounder
The 2018 Osborne Village to Downtown Walk Bike Bridge & Connections Study is looking into the potential to build a new pedestrian and bicycle bridge over the Assiniboine River between Fort Rouge Park and McFadyen Park. The study will provide a preliminary design for the bridge, pedestrian and cycling connectivity throughout Osborne Village to Osborne Rapid Transit Station, Norwood Bridge, bike lanes on Nassau
Churchill Pathway – Churchill Dr to Togo Extension Backgrounder
The Churchill Pathway follows the west side of the Red River from The Forks to Togo Avenue neat the Osborne St Transit Garage where it currently ends. The Churchill Pathway – Churchill Dr to Togo Extension would aim to extend the pathway south to Brandon Ave at Hay St, where a neighbourhood greenway built in 2010 provides a connection south to the St. Vital