Commuter Challenge
The annual Commuter Challenge is a week-long challenge that encourages Canadians to choose sustainable modes of commuting. Participants are encouraged to walk, run, cycle, skate, bus, carpool, or telecommute as an alternative to single-occupant driving. The week of Commuter Challenge, June 2 – 8, 2019, takes place during Canada’s Environment Week. The challenge attracts over 20,000 Canadians each year, with over a third of those participants being
Commuter Challenge Media Launch
Join us Thursday, May 30th to celebrate the kick-off of Green Action Centre’s 16th year of Commuter Challenge! There will be plenty of snacks, coffee and information about the challenge for you. *Details to come* We’ll see you there!
2014 Commuter Challenge Kickoff
Join our friends at the Green Action Centre for sunshine and fun when they kickoff the 15th Annual Commuter Challenge! Help ensure that Manitoba continues to have the highest percentage of participation of all provinces and that Winnipeg wins the national Commuter Challenge title once again! In the spirit of the 2014 Commuter Challenge, we invite you to arrive to the media launch by