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Public Consultation for Marion Street Widening and Grade Separation
June 12, 2014 @ 04:00 - 19:30

The project includes a study of the Marion Street-Dugald Road connection, also known as Metro Route 115, to identify options for the realignment and/or widening of Marion Street, and to grade separate at the CPR Emerson railway which runs parallel to Archibald Street. The project will work toward reducing congestion, improving safety, and incorporating new or improved transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities to improve traffic flow throughout the study area. The improvements could include substantial widening and realignment of Marion Street and an overpass or underpass near Archibald Street.
The study area stretches from Rue Des Meurons to Lagimodière Boulevard.
Bike Winnipeg’s Ideas to Improve Cycling on Marion and Lagimodiere
- Marion Street
- We recommend 2 one way raised cycle tracks along the Marion right of way to accommodate cyclists.
- Bend cycle tracks inward at the CNR Sprague line so that cyclists cross the tracks at 90 degrees.
- A buffered bicycle lane would be the minimum acceptable facility – but a raised cycle track provides a higher degree of separation that will encourage more use and will be easier to maintain, especially in winter as snow and debris are not swept onto a cycle track as easily as onto a painted lane.
Factors contributing to the need for fully separated cycle tracks on Marion
- 60km/hr speed limit
- High volumes of freight traffic
- Access to the Public Markets Redevelopment Site
The Public Markets site is designated as a major redevelopment site in Complete Communities (Area D). Marion will be a major connection for this community once redevelopment takes place.
Complete Communities Supportive Directions & Enabling Strategies
- Transformative Areas – Our Downtown – Getting from Place to Place Downtown – Direction 2 (pg. 31) – “SUPPORT ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC TRANSIT TO AND WITHIN DOWNTOWN.”
- Transformative Areas – Major Redevelopment Sites – pg. 68 “Create strong, multi-modal and active transportation linkages from each Major Redevelopment Site to the Downtown, other Major Redevelopment Sites, Centres, Corridors, Parks, major attractions and employment areas.”
Transportation Master Plan Supportive Directions & Enabling Strategies
- Transportation Choice Key Direction (pg. 32) – “Providing opportunities to access multiple modes of transportation to people of all ages and abilities will improve the quality of life, economic vitality, and system efficiency.
- Elements of Complete Streets (pg. 38)
Panet/Dawson Road North Intersection
- Needs major improvements to be safe/comfortable for cyclists
Archibald Intersection
- Traffic lights at Marion and Archibald need to accommodate bicycle and pedestrian access to the future southeast rapid transit corridor.
- Plans need to accommodate a future bicycle path and sidewalk on the east side of the CPR Emerson line. The Public Markets site is identified as a major redevelopment site in Complete Communities, meaning its planning will follow TOD principals.
- Limited crossings of the Emerson rail line, rapid transit corridor and Archibald mean that north south cycle connectivity cannot be accommodated via the Archibald multiuse path.
Enfield Intersection
The study area needs to be extended west to Enfield Crescent to accommodate the needs of cyclists.
- Traffic signals are needed to accommodate north south cyclist connectivity along Enfield/St. Jean Baptiste;
- Des Meurons was rehabilitated without any cycling improvements in 2013 because this route had been identified as an alternative.
Dufresne Intersection
- Pushbuttons should be added to allow for the existing traffic lights to be activated by cyclists.
- Dufresne adds connectivity across Happyland Creek to the Tremblay Bridge and Archibald pathway.
Recommendations for Lagimodiere
- We recommend a sidewalk and two way off road cycle track be built along Lagimodiere, preferably on the west side.
- Similar to what is being developed for phase II of the Southwest Rapid Transit Corridor
- As a minimum, a 3.5m shared use pathway should be installed.
- This should eventually extend from Fermor in the South to Kilcona Park in the North
- The 2014 City of Winnipeg budget includes paved shoulder as an AT expenditure within a mill and fill project for northbound lanes on Lagimodiere (Cottonwood to Dugald)
- The planned paved shoulder is not adequate for such a high volume, high speed roadway.
- Panet/Molson may be an alternative north of Regent or Reenders.
Important Connections
- Dugald Pathway – connects to southern Transcona
- Transcona Trail – connects to northern Transcona
- Will eventually connect across Regent, behind the Walmart, under Lagimodiere, and through to Panet and Mission.
- Speers Road – Connects to Windsor Park
- East Winnipeg Rapid Transit Corridor
- Windsor Park/southern Transcona/northern Transcona
Important Considerations
CNR Reddit Overpass
- 3m gravel shoulder leading up to overpass
- Shoulder transitions to pavement where the guardrail begins.
- 4.5m shoulder on the bridge span.
- Southbound shoulder is dropped for a right turn lane about 125m north of Warman Road
- Northbound shoulder narrows as it approaches Regent
We want to see a crossing of the CNR Sprague line to connect the southern end of Dawson Road North to Speers Road
City of Winnipeg Marion Street Widening and Grade Separation Information Page
Upcoming Projects that Need to be considered in Project Plan
- Rehabilitation of Northbound Lagimodiere between Cottonwood and Dugald Road
- $760,000 in the 2014 City of Winnipeg budget out of a total budget of $2.65 million for a mill and fill.
- Public Markets Redevelopment
- Area D in Our Communities map of Major Redevelopment Sites
- East Corridor Rapid Transit Extension
- Planning is currently underway
- Southeast Corridor Rapid Transit Extension
- Transcona Trail Extension
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