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Downtown Bike Lanes Engagement Opportunities
March 17, 2016 @ 15:00 - 17:00

In September 2015, the City of Winnipeg initiated a public engagement process to receive input on the Downtown Bike Lane System Study. Feedback received during this process has been incorporated into the design options for upgrading the existing bike lanes on Fort Street and Garry Street.
Visit one of the three pop-up engagement events and online to view the three options that have been designed to upgrade the existing bike lanes on Fort Street and Garry Street as well as an improved connection between the Assiniboine Avenue protected bicycle lanes and the new bicycle lanes connecting to The Forks.
Pop-up Engagement Events
Drop-by format (come and go). Visit us to view the design options, speak with members of the project team, provide your feedback and ask questions regarding the study.
Portage and Main Rotunda
Thursday, March 17, 2016
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Portage & Main Underground Rotunda
Fort Garry Place Mall
Thursday, March 17, 2016
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
85 Garry Street
The Forks Market
Sunday, March 20, 2016
12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
1 Forks Market Road
Share Your Input Online
Coming March 11 – View design options, post comments on the discussion board and provide feedback through an online survey. www.winnipeg.ca/walkbikeprojects
Bike Winnipeg director Dustin Dilts has put together a vision of what could be achieved along Fort and Garry which can be viewed here that will help you visualize some of the ways protected bike lanes along Fort and Garry (and ultimately Main, Hargrave, Carlton, St. Mary, York, Bannatyne, McDermot Cumberland and Balmoral) could add mobility and vibrancy to our downtown.
Key Questions:
- How well connected are the upgraded bike lanes to important destinations?
- The Forks (via Assiniboine or York)
- Central Park
- Old Market Square
- Manitoba Legislature
- Memorial Park
- Millennium Library
- Canadian Museum for Human Rights
- University of Winnipeg
- Red River College Princess Campus
- How Direct are the bike lanes?
- How Comfortable are the bike lanes?
- Is there adequate separation from traffic?
- Are you protected through intersections?
- Can the lanes be cleared of snow in winter?
- Is there a consistent surface (i.e you are not constantly transitioning between road level and raised levels)?
- Is there adequate width?
- Can you ride side by side?
- Can you pass a slower rider?
- Will there be enough space for the number of people biking in the lanes 5, 10, or 20 years from now?
- Are there Opportunities for Place Making?
Hosting a cycling related event in Winnipeg? If it fits within our event list posting guidelines, we'd be happy to post it for you. Please email us at eventlistings@bikewinnipeg.ca.