News item

Bicycle Trade Association of Canada launches petition to remove tarrifs on bicycles

In the Federal budget released on March 21st, tariffs on some sporting goods (hockey equipment) were eliminated. Unfortunately, tariffs on bicycles have not been eliminated.  Instead as a result of the elimination of a preferential tariff rate on products from more than 70 countries, including China, tariffs on imported bicycles from these countries will in fact rise from 8% to 13%.  The Bicycle Trade Alliance

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City solicits input on Strategic Renewal and Action Plan. for Kilkona Park/Harbourview Recreatoin Complex

The City of Winnipeg has commissioned Hilderman Thomas Frank Cram Landscape Architecture to develop a Strategic Renewal and Action Plan to identify both short and long term implementation strategies for the Kilcona Park/Habrourview Recreation Complex in the city’s northeast corner. Bike to the Future is participating in this process as part of a stakeholders advisory group. A website has been developed to serve as

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MPI delays process to improve road safety

Last fall, Bike to the Future made a significant effort to put forward a solid presentation on road safety and cycling at MPI’s general rate hearing at the PUB. MPI’s vision statement, as filed at the hearing included: “7. Manitoba Public Insurance will lead driver and vehicle safety initiatives that reduce risk and protect Manitobans, their streets and their neighbourhoods. Manitobans will recognize the

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BttF’s Submission on the 2013 Provincial Budget

Bike to the Future calls on the Government of Manitoba to break out of the pattern of increasing motor vehicle dependency by reallocating its transportation expenditures in urban areas to support active transportation, so as to and achieve: Environmental sustainability, Improved public health, Lower long costs to taxpayers in the long term, and Better quality of life Now is the time to change transportation

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Trivia one

A bit of trivia cribbed from elswhere A cyclist can travel 1,037km (644 miles) on the energy equivalent of one litre of gasoline. In 1949, 34 per cent of all mechanized journeys were made by bicycle. Fifty years later that figure had fallen to 2 per cent. [This post has been added under the “Trivia” category. As such it will appear in the third

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Reduced Speeds on Residential Streets

Bike to the Future has written to the Mayor, all City Councillors, and senior City transportation staff about the City’s consideration of a reduction of speed limits on residential streets. The Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works will be discussing a motion in late January. We enthusiastically welcome this news, and we strongly recommend that the City set a 30KPH speed

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2012 Annual General Meeting and Achievements Celebration

All Bike to the Future members and supporters are invited to attend our 2012 Annual General Meeting & Achievements Celebration on Tuesday November 20 from 5:30 to 6:00 at the Sport for Life Centre. Bikes can be parked inside the building in a locked room that is beside the main doors and in direct view of the security desk. Our November Monthly meeting will commence

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Charleswood Transportation Study — active transportation concerns

October 26 update Mark has submitted a recommendations report to the Charleswood Transportation Study. BttF’s Charleswood Transportation Study submission (PDF, 13-pages, many diagrams/maps/images) October 16 update Mark has written a letter to the Winnipeg Free Press: ~~~~~ Proposal to Widen Shaftesbury Ignores City Policy on Active Transportation The recently publicized proposal to widen Shaftesbury Boulevard from two lanes to four misses a seemingly obvious

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