Setting the Stage for the 2014 City of Winnipeg Budget
As we get closer to 2014, planning for the 2014 City of Winnipeg budget is well under way. Bike Winnipeg continues to advocate for an increased emphasis on cycling infrastructure and programming in the city’s capital and operational budgets, and hopes that our written submission to the 2014 City of Winnipeg budget consultation process will be taken to heart as the budgets are finalized
MPI & PUB refuse BW intervention on Road Safety
The Manitoba Public Utilities Board has refused Bike Winnipeg’s application for joint intervention with the Manitoba Consumers’ Association of Canada at the MPI hearing. Working with pro bono lawyer James Benson, a small group of Bike Winnipeg volunteers put a lot of time into preparing for the MPI hearing, which the PUB had indicated would include a significant focus on promoting safety on Manitoba roads.
BttF Submission on Green Prosperity Act
Charles Feaver, Bike to the Future’s provincial chair, has put together a thorough and thoughtful response to the Province of Manitoba’s call for feedback on their Green Prosperity Act consultation workbook. BttF’s submission makes clear that sustainability requires a commitment from government for communities designed to encourage cycling, with a cycling network that provides safe and convenient routes to all destinations. Furthermore, we state