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Support Your Local Bike Shop

Whether you’ve been riding your bike through winter or are just pulling it out of storage now, chances are your bike could use a tune-up. As an essential service, our local bike shops are generally open, and are more than happy to help you get your bike running like new. We urge you to support your local bike shops through these challenging times.

Of course, there are a few things that have changed under the COVID-19 crisis, so here are some tips to follow to ease you into the new reality:

Stay Home if You are Sick
If you have symptoms, or have been in contact with some who has, please stay at home. Online and delivery services are available.

Check Shop Websites; Call or Email First
Some shops are open normal hours, while some have reduced hours or are operating on appointment-only status (others are closed entirely). All will have requirements around social distancing. Checking the shop’s website or calling will acquaint you with safety practices you’ll need to know before coming in, such as curbside pickup and drop off, or doorstep hand-off of purchases.

Browse on the Web, Not in Store if You Can
Many local shops have extensive websites that allow you to browse through their inventory from home. For those that are opening their shops to customers, please look but don’t touch. Try not to handle any product unless necessary, or assisted by a staff member. Store staff will be happy to answer product questions. And remember, the big box shops and Amazon do not need your financial help right now. Support our Local Bike Shops.

Respect Physical Distancing and Hygiene Rules
Please follow physical distancing protocols if visiting a shop. Don’t crowd staff or other patrons. You can help keep shop staff and yourself safe by wiping down all contact points on your bike (don’t forget shifters, brake levers, and axle skewers) with disinfectant before and after service, and thoroughly washing your hands or using hand sanitizer before and after all interactions.

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