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Archived Events (January 2008 – December 2009)

Webinar: Connecting With Public Health Professionals On Bike/Ped Issues

posted at November 27, 2009 20:34 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, December 16, 02:00 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd floor, 303 Portage Avenue at Donald Street

2:00 to 3:00 PM

This policy-oriented webinar is presented by Health in Common in partnership with Resource Conservation Manitoba’s Active and Safe Routes to School program. It will demonstrate the connections between an active living partnership and bicycling/walking policies/programs. Presenters will discuss a case study from Hennepin County, Minnesota, in which technical assistance provided by an umbrella group through support from Blue Cross/Blue Shield (workshops on Complete Streets and Winter Walking) helped gather diverse constituencies to catalyze pedestrian and bicycle policies and planning.

Webinar participants will learn:

  • how to understand and articulate the synergies between non-motorized transportation planning and public health.
  • how governments, businesses, and community partners can connect to develop partnerships to carry out this work.
  • how to create and successfully shepherd policies through approval by elected bodies.

Webinar presenters are Karen Nikolai, Hennepin County (Minnesota), and Vayong Moua, Center for Prevention/Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Minnesota.

For more information or to register, please contact Jackie Avent.

Marketing (of BttF) Management Trade Show Presentation

posted at November 27, 2009 12:28 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, December 01, 11:30 AM
UofM Drake Centre (181 Freeman Cres), The Fishbowl (Main Floor, near the stairs and orange couches)

11:30 to 12:45

Asper School of Business student Nicole Poklitar is doing a class project on the marketing of Bike to the Future. All the projects from her class will be displayed at this trade show.

If a BttF rep who is endorsed by the BttF Board of Directors attends this trade show and reviews Nicole’s presentation, bonus points are awarded to her. If you can do this for us (and Nicole), please contact us.

December Monthly Meeting

posted at November 17, 2009 20:24 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, December 08, 05:30 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd floor, 303 Portage Avenue at Donald Street

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items for the December Monthly Meeting:

  • Proposal to turn the City Water Utility Bridge at Aubrey St into an AT bridge (Marianne Cerilli)
  • Partnership agreements (Curt Hull & Kevin Miller)
  • Monthly Meeting location (Curt Hull)
  • $20+ million stimulus funding for bicycling infrastructure — update (Gareth Simons & Anders Swanson) Should BttF formulate comments about the proposed routes?
  • National bicycling advocacy organization (Kevin Miller)
  • BttF membership database (Ruby On Rails), new IT volunteers — update (Kevin Miller)
  • Financial update (Liz Erickson)
  • City Committee report / City of Winnipeg 2010 Capital Budget (Mark Cohoe)
  • Provincial Committee report (Charles Feaver)
  • Membership report (Rob Cosco)

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday December 7th.

We hope to see you at the December Monthly Meeting.

City Committee Pre Budget Meeting

posted at November 16, 2009 18:20 (over 3 years ago)

The City Committee will be meeting to discuss the City of Winnipeg’s 2010 Preliminary Capital Budget and strategy for Bike to the Future’s budget presentations.

City Committee meeting #1 to discuss the 2010 City Capital Budget

posted at November 16, 2009 17:29 (over 3 years ago)
Monday, November 23, 12:00 PM
Manitoba Eco-Centre (3rd floor MEC building, Portage & Donald)

The city committee will be meeting to discuss the City of Winnipeg 2010 Preliminary Capital Budget (4MB PDF) and 5 year forecast. The goal is to develop a plan for the Bike to the Future presentations on the budget process.

BttF’s City Committee page

City Committee meeting #2 to discuss the 2010 City Capital Budget

posted at November 16, 2009 17:23 (over 3 years ago)
Monday, November 30, 12:00 PM
Manitoba Eco-Centre (3rd floor MEC building, Portage & Donald)

The City Committee will be meeting to discuss the City of Winnipeg 2010 Preliminary Capital Budget (4MB PDF) and 5 year forecast. The goal is to develop a plan for the Bike to the Future presentations on the budget process. This will be the final meeting before budget presentations, and will be used to finalize those presentations.

BttF’s City Committee page

Osborne Bridge meeting

posted at November 09, 2009 11:00 (over 3 years ago)
Monday, November 16, 07:00 PM
The Toad in the Hole

The jist of it is that the engineers are saying they can put 1.5m bike lanes onto the bridge, but they cannot add separated bike lanes because of load restrictions from the crane that services the bridge and shy lane requirements. There is potential to widen the bridges an additional 30cm each by being creative with where the handrails go, which could then widen the bike lanes to 1.8m each way.

Route 90 Corridor Study — Public Open House #2

posted at November 07, 2009 20:12 (over 3 years ago)
Thursday, November 19, 04:00 PM
Canad Inns Stadium, Winnipeg Sun Centre, 1465 Maroons Road

Drop-in from 4:00 to 8:00 PM

Information about this project is available at http://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/MajorProjects/Route90

The more cyclists who attend and express a desire for really good cycling facilities as part of this expansion, the more likely that good cycling facilities will result.

Public Open House #1

BttF Members’ Night at the Mountain Equipment Co-op store

posted at November 06, 2009 00:01 (over 3 years ago)
Monday, November 23, 07:30 PM
MEC store, Portage & Donald

BttF’s first Members’ Night will be held at the Mountain Equipment Co-op store on Monday November 3rd from 7:30 to 9:00 PM. (The store closes to the public at 7:00.) Activities include:

  • Cold Weather Cycling “product knowledge” sessions
    MEC staff will present two different sessions during the evening: equipment and clothing.
  • Cold Weather Cycling discussion forum
    A BttF director will facilitate discussion about cold weather cycling, including questions and answers among participants.
  • MEC special event store merchandise discount of 10%
    Note that you must be a Mountain Equipment Co-op member to make a purchase at MEC. It’s a $5 lifetime membership.

BttF memberships can be purchased at the door by anyone who does not have a BttF membership that was paid for in 2009.

Bike to the Future thanks MEC for 2009-2010 Partnership Agreement funding.

We hope to see you at BttF’s first Members’ Night. Please contact us if you have comments or questions.

Thesis presentation: Power and the Vélorution: Cycling advocacy, social networking and grassroots change in Winnipeg

posted at October 30, 2009 11:05 (over 3 years ago)
Monday, November 09, 01:00 PM
Manitoba Eco-Centre — 3rd floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

Karin Kliewer, Bike to the Future’s Board Secretary and UofManitoba Masters’ of City Planning student will be defending her thesis entitled Power and the Vélorution: Cycling advocacy, social networking and grassroots change in Winnipeg, MB.



  • 20 minute presentation
  • two (or more) rounds of questions from the UofM committee
  • audience questions

This is a public event.

Workshop: Fixed-gear conversions and trouble-shooting

posted at October 25, 2009 15:27 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, December 16, 06:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave (in the back)

6:00 to 8:00 PM

The Bike Dump

Fixed-gear conversions and trouble-shooting.


Workshop: Winter Riding 101

posted at October 25, 2009 15:21 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, November 18, 06:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave (in the back)

6:00 to 8:00 PM

The Bike Dump

Get your bike and yourself ready for winter!


350 — International Day of Climate Action

posted at October 14, 2009 08:11 (over 3 years ago)
Saturday, October 24, 01:30 PM
Manitoba Legislative Building grounds

1:30 to 4:30 PM

On October 24, join people all over the world to take a stand for a safe climate future.


Winnipeg Action at the Manitoba Legislative Building grounds — info, poster, map

Attended by 350 cyclists?

Workshop: Wheel Building

posted at September 29, 2009 20:40 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, October 28, 06:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan (in the back)

6:00 to 8:00 PM

The Bike Dump

This is a free workshop, but an RSVP is requested since space is limited.

This is a wheel building workshop for constructing new wheels from parts. If you want to learn about fixing or truing existing wheels there is a separate workshop which will be announced soon.

At this workshop you can choose to bring your own materials (contact Graham if you need help with spoke length) or build from materials provided.

If you are busy on that evening, but want to attend, contact Graham. A second workshop on a different day might be scheduled if there are enough people.

Speak Up Winnipeg – Transit Oriented Development Public Event

posted at September 25, 2009 16:00 (over 3 years ago)
Thursday, October 08, 07:00 PM
Gas Station Theatre – 445 River Avenue


The City of Winnipeg is in the process of creating a new municipal development plan – OurWinnipeg – which will establish a 25-year blueprint for the City’s future. One of the strategies being considered is Transit Oriented Development (TOD). TOD involves mixed use, pedestrian-friendly infill development focused around rapid transit stations. Winnipeg’s TOD project involves the development of policy to guide infill development along rapid transit lines, and identifies what changes the City should make to facilitate & promote this type of development.

For additional information, contact David Marsh at 986-6306 or dmarsh@winnipeg.ca.

Event listing on the Speak Up Winnipeg web-site.

Pedal Power — CBC-TV Doc Zone

posted at September 21, 2009 10:24 (over 3 years ago)
Thursday, September 24, 08:00 PM

Also on Friday September 25th at 10:00 PM on CBC Newsworld

Pedal Power website

Summer, 2008: Igor Kenk, owner of The Bicycle Clinic, a Queen Street repair shop, is arrested. The former police officer from Slovenia has 2,865 bikes stashed away in various places around Toronto and he’s hit with 58 charges related to bike theft (and an additional 22 charges relating to drugs).

Cyclists are stunned by the discovery, but not completely surprised. Everyone’s lost a bike or two and wondered where they went. But worldwide interest in the Kenk case signals a tipping point in the history of urban culture. Bicycling, once seen as a simple pleasure from childhood, has become a political act. For the first time post World War II, the dominance of the automobile is being seriously challenged, with cyclists demanding their share of asphalt real estate from drivers.

From bicycle-mad Paris to rush-hour New York and the back alleys of Toronto, Pedal Power takes a ride through the changing world of bike culture. And with exclusive background access to Igor Kenk – exclusive footage of how he operated and built a legendary reputation on Queen Street West – this major documentary explores the two-wheeled revolution in our streets.

“The sickening thud was unmistakable. A cyclist lay crumpled on the streetcar tracks. A motorist talking on her cell phone had “doored” him. Right outside Igor’s shuttered bike shop. Across the street from our office. Beyond that scene we found a battle brewing for a fair share of the streets from Amsterdam to Vancouver – a new mass activism for bikers’ rights in the decline of the Age of the Automobile. Every now and then a movement becomes a revolution. That’s what we found.” (Robin Benger)

Bicycles and automobiles have to share the same roads – a recipe for conflict – and many potential cyclists just won’t ride in the city because they see it as too dangerous. Add in the plague of bike theft and a lot of cyclists are simply leaving their bikes at home.

In Canada, bicycles “don’t get no respect.” From the story of Igor, and the anatomy of the underground world of bike peddlers in Toronto, this film spins out to how other cities are making riding safe. Using innovative “bike-cam” techniques to convey, up-close, the sensation of bike riding, a series of character-driven mini-narratives propel the film through a study of what makes a city “bikeable”. Whether it’s the public bike program in Paris, bike mega-garages in Amsterdam, bike paths in Vancouver and Montreal, or the surprising leadership of New York City, we follow the story of this remarkable little conveyance as it wheels though the first decade of the 21st century.

Webinar: Building Political Will for Strong Bike/Walk Programs

posted at September 20, 2009 08:15 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, November 18, 02:00 PM
Manitoba Eco-Centre — 3rd floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

2:00 to 3:00 PM

Subtitle: Effective Use of the Three-Legged Stool Model

This webinar is being will describe how elected officials, local government, and independent advocates can work together to change the culture of a community.

The three-legged stool refers to the partners that used this approach in Columbia Missouri successfully to get complete streets legislation, a national model Safe Routes to School program, a $22 million federal Non-motorized Transportation Pilot Program grant, and a silver level Bicycle Friendly Communities award.

Speakers include:

  • Ian Thomas, PhD, is Executive Director and co-founder of the PedNet Coalition, a non-profit advocacy organization whose mission is to create a network of bicycle, pedestrian and wheelchair-accessible paths throughout Columbia.
  • Stacia Reilly, MEd, is a health educator with the Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services.
  • Darwin Hindman, Mayor of Columbia and a lifelong campaigner for walkable communities, public parks, and recreational facilities.


If you are interested in attending, please contact Dave Elmore.

November Monthly meeting

posted at September 19, 2009 20:33 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, November 10, 06:00 PM
UofWinnipeg Boardroom (room 2M70), 2nd floor in Manitoba Hall

Enter the UofWinnipeg via Centennial Hall, take the escalator to the 2nd floor, and turn right.

Bike to the Future usually meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 at the Eco-Centre. For November, we’re meeting at 6:00 PM at the UofWinnipeg because the November Monthly Meeting will be immediately preceded by our 2009 Annual General Meeting at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items:

  • $20M “stimulus funding” AT projects (Kevin Nixon, Bill Woroby, Ruth Marr)
  • STOP as YIELD — our action after the WPS reports back to City Council (Kevin Miller)
  • Canadian Active and Sustainable Transportation Organization — fundraising (Kevin Miller)
  • BttF Partnership Agreement with Mountain Equipment Co-op (Kevin Miller)
  • BttF website and other information technology — status update (Kevin Miller)
  • Bike Shorts Film Festival — post-event discussion/status (Don English)
  • Winnipeg Bike Valet (Kevin Miller for David Wieser)
  • Financial update (Curt Hull)
  • City Committee report — City Committee Meeting on Nov 8th, City of Winnipeg 2010 budget discussions (Mark Cohoe)
  • Provincial Committee report (Jeremy Hull)
  • Membership renewals — status (Rob Cosco)

We’ll be selling memberships and BttF T-shirts.

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday November 9th.

We hope to see you at the November Monthly Meeting.

2009 Annual General Meeting

posted at September 19, 2009 20:16 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, November 10, 05:30 PM
UofWinnipeg Boardroom (room 2M70), 2nd floor in Manitoba Hall

Enter the UofWinnipeg via Centennial Hall, take the escalator to the 2nd floor, and turn right.


  • Welcome and introductions
  • Adoption of the minutes from the 2008 AGM
  • Presentation of Annual Financial Statements
  • Presentation of Directors’ Annual Reports
  • Election of a new Board of Directors by all members.
    The two-terms for the following Board positions end at the AGM: the two Co-chairs, Treasurer, and five of the eight Directors. It’s important that we have a strong and capable Board to ensure that Bike to the Future continues to be guided along our Mission and towards our Vision. If you are interested in serving, would like to nominate someone, or if you’d like more info, please contact us.

2008-2009 Board of Directors and BttF’s Organizational Bylaws

We’ll be selling memberships and T-shirts prior to, during, and after the meeting. If you purchased your membership in 2008 or earlier, it’s now due for renewal.

October Monthly Meeting

posted at September 19, 2009 18:53 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, October 13, 05:30 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd Floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items for the October Monthly Meeting:

  • Francois Legard day-long workshop on October 17th — update (Jackie Avent)
  • Annual General Meeting on November 10th (Kevin Miller)
  • Applying for Grants (volunteers) (Kevin Miller)
  • Jim Chapryk representing BttF on the Manitoba Eco-Network Steering Committee
  • Asper School of Business student’s project: “Bike To the Future Marketing Plan” (Holly Poklitar)
  • Speak Up Winnipeg, BttF presentation — update (Jackie Avent)
  • Bike Shorts Film Festival on October 20th — update (Don English)
  • CentrePort — cycling (Ted Mann)
  • Campus Sustainability Day (Jackie Avent)
  • Hosting the webinar “How to Build Political Will for Strong Bike/Walk Programs” on November 18th — update (Dave Elmore)
  • Membership renewals (Rob Cosco)
  • $20+ million of funding for bicycling infrastructure — update (Gareth Simons & Anders Swanson)
  • BttF membership database (Ruby On Rails) IT volunteers needed (Kevin Miller)
  • Financial update (Curt Hull)
  • City Committee report (Mark Cohoe)
  • Provincial Committee report — update of meeting with Jim Rondeau and Green Manitoba (Jeremy Hull)

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday October 12th.

We hope to see you at the October Monthly Meeting.

Workshop: Thinking and Working like a Social Marketer — How to affect change in Manitoba for Active Transportation

posted at September 09, 2009 08:31 (over 3 years ago)
Saturday, October 17, 08:00 AM
Deer Lodge Centre (2109 Portage Ave), Life and Learning Centre – 2nd Floor

8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

The Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba (PACM) Active Transportation (AT) Task Group invites you to join other AT community advocates for an engaging and interactive workshop.

Francois Lagarde, one of Canada’s leading social marketers, will provide an introduction to social marketing strategies, and facilitate discussions on how to best engage and work with target audiences, including:

  • The Mayor and City Council
  • The Premier and Provincial Cabinet Ministers
  • Motorists
  • The business community
  • Cyclists
  • Recreational walkers, cyclists, in-line skaters, etc

Anticipated outcome:
Strategies and discussions from the breakout groups will be used to develop a coordinated strategy to increase our effectiveness and move forward with AT promotion and infrastructure implementation in Manitoba.

The $20 cost includes a light breakfast, lunch, and refreshments. Think Green — bring your own coffee cup or water mug.

Please RSVP to Lisa Scharf by October 5th (or earlier — space is limited).

Thank you to

  • Manitoba in Motion
  • Manitoba Culture, Heritage, Tourism, and Sport
  • Public Health Agency of Canada
    for financial support, enabling participation by AT community advocates. (Note: Other similar full-day social marketing workshops cost $300 to attend.)

Workshop agenda and Francois Lagarde bio (PDF)

Ciclovia — The Media Event

posted at September 02, 2009 17:26 (over 3 years ago)
Friday, September 11, 12:00 PM
Memorial Park, Broadway Ave & Osborne St & Memorial Blvd

Info poster

  • Kick-off ceremony
  • Yoga

We need as many bicycles and as many people taking in yoga in the park as possible. Let’s give the media something to really talk about!

Facebook invite

Planning Meeting for BttF’s involvement in Ciclovia

posted at August 28, 2009 10:32 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, September 01, 12:00 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd Floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

noon to 1:30 PM

Access to the Eco-Centre is by elevator through the MEC lobby.

Please join Bike to the Future’s Board of Dirctors and keen volunteers to

  • figure out what we’re going to do for Ciclovia on Sunday September 13th. The bare mininimum will be to staff a BttF display. Other possibilities include safety workshops for kids and adults, a membership drive, and t-shirt sales. Other ideas?
  • figure out who will coordinate BttF volunteers, and what a schedule might look like for the day.

Bring your lunch. If it’s nice, we can eat out on the rooftop.

Bike Shorts Film Festival & Winnipeg Bike Shorts in memory of Tim Hunt

posted at August 23, 2009 17:00 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, October 20, 07:00 PM
Cinemathique, 100 Arthur Street (Artspace building)

The Bike Shorts Film Festival has been shown in a number of Canadian cities, including Winnipeg in October 2008. This is a new version with new films. Also included will be Winnipeg Bike Shorts, which are Winnipeg-produced films, and a Bike Art display. Anyone who loves riding bikes and/or likes films should really enjoy this.

This event is presented in memory of Tim Hunt.


  • 6:00 PM: Doors open for the Bike Art display in the lobby
  • 7:00 to 9:00 PM: Bike Shorts in the theatre
  • 9:00 to 10:00 PM: Winnipeg Bike Shorts in the theatre
  • 10:30: Bike Art display closes

Volunteers needed:
Four: one to start at 5:00 PM, one to start at 5:30 PM, and two more to start at 6:00 PM. Quitting time may be as late as 11:00 PM. Please contact Bike to the Future’s volunteer co-organizer Don English.

Price: $10.
The theatre only has 120 seats. For advance reservations, please contact Bike to the Future’s volunteer co-organizer Don English.

Map of Cinemathique (PDF)

Poster (includes a program of the films)
All Manitobans are welcome to submit Bike Art and Winnipeg Bike Shorts — please contact Bike to the Future’s volunteer co-organizer Shona Kusyk before September 30th.

Bike Valet is courtesy of Natural Cycle, 91 Albert St (a one minute walk away). There’s no fee for the valet, but donations accepted by Natural Cycle.

Some of the bus routes that stop close to the Cinematheque are 29 Sherbrook via Broadway, Downtown Spirit 3, and numerous buses on Main Street.

Bike Shorts Film Festival national website

September Monthly Meeting

posted at August 20, 2009 12:48 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, September 15, 05:30 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd Floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

Bike to the Future usually meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. For September, we’ll be meeting one week later on Tuesday the 15th. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items for the September Monthly Meeting:

  • Francois Legard (social marketing expert) day-long workshop sponsored by PACM in November — update (Jackie Avent)
  • Our 4th annual fall forum (Jackie)
  • Annual General Meeting in November (Kevin Miller)
  • Speak Up Winnipeg — BttF presentation (Jackie Avent)
  • Stop sign ticketing of cyclists — update (Kevin Miller)
  • Bike Shorts Film Festival (Don English, Shona Kusyk)
  • Hosting the webinar “How to Build Political Will for Strong Bike/Walk Programs” on November 18th (Jackie)
  • Membership renewals (Rob Cosco)
  • Ciclovia Winnipeg (Janice Lukes & Anders Swanson)
  • $20+ million of funding for bicycling infrastructure (Gareth Simons & Anders Swanson)
  • IT database (Ruby On Rails) volunteers needed (Kevin Miller)
  • Financial update (Curt Hull)
  • City Committee report (Mark Cohoe)
  • Provincial Committee report (Jeremy Hull)

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday September 14th.

We hope to see you at the September Monthly Meeting.


posted at August 17, 2009 21:20 (over 3 years ago)
Sunday, September 13, 08:00 AM
Broadway Avenue between Main Street and Osborne Street North

8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

The entire north side of Broadway Ave will be closed to motorized vehicles from Main St to Osborne St, connecting Assiniboine Park to The Forks. Winnipeg is the first Canadian city to stage Ciclovia.

Ciclovia, meaning “bike way”, is an event that supports the use of non-motorized transportation. It combines healthy living with arts and culture, and engages citizens in active alternatives to motorized transportation, bringing life back to otherwise car-choked streets. And it allows a city to dream of different ways of living well, of other community aspirations in an urban environment.

Site map and program (PDF)

Ciclovia website

  • More detailed info
  • Area map
  • Volunteer Application Form (many volunteers are needed)
  • Participant Application Form (host an activity or entertainment or service — no cost)
  • Facebook link
  • List of partners and sponsors

Promotion materials

Ciclovia — The Media Event is on Friday September 11th at noon in Memorial Park (kick-off ceremony, yoga in the park, Facebook invite)

To help with Bike to the Future’s involvement at Ciclovia on event day (Sunday September 13th), please contact Dave at delmore@mts.net.

Get the word out to everyone you know and we’ll see you on Ciclovia Sunday!

Post-Ciclovia note

Bike to the Future’s Membership Committee Director, Rob Cosco, and two of his committee volunteers (BttF Directors At Large Liz Erickson and Holly Poklitar) were selling BttF memberships at Ciclovia. There are now 119 new BttF members!

18 prizes donated by Olympia Cycle & Ski (St Mary’s Road), Sampson’s Sportland, Lifesport (Pembina Hwy), Portage Cycle, and Bikes & Beyond were drawn and later distributed to 18 of the 119 new members.

Building a Bike Cart — information session

posted at August 14, 2009 18:43 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, August 19, 06:00 PM
Orioles Bike Cage, 444 Burnell Street

This is an information session about building a bike cart. We will discuss which materials go into making one and a rough overview of the steps. There will be an opportunity to ask questions. Note that this night there won’t be any hands-on work for making the bike cart, It is only an information night where plans could then be made to host another more practical and hands-on workshop for building bike carts.

For more information, you can contact Anneliese Schoppe at anneliese.schoppe@gmail.com.

Bike & Helmet Safety Day

posted at August 04, 2009 19:46 (over 3 years ago)
Friday, August 07, 10:00 AM
The Forks Market

10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Join the Sport Medicine and Science Council, along with its partners, for a Bike & Helmet Safety Day at The Forks!

Come down and check out exhibits from Think First, Downtown Watch, the Winnipeg Police Bike Unit, and The Sport Medicine Council to hear the latest stats and facts on bike and helmet safety in Winnipeg!

Visit our displays to enter draws, win prizes, gather information and learn the importance of safe riding this summer!


Bike-B-Q Fun Ride

posted at July 27, 2009 16:53 (over 3 years ago)
Saturday, August 29, 10:30 AM
Northgate Shopping Centre

Come and join us in the first annual Bike-B-Q Fun Ride, a bike parade followed by a barbeque party. Decorate your bike, bring family and friends, and help us celebrate and promote active transportation.

Contact 986-3725 to register or 986-8402 for more information

www.mikepagtakhan.ca for details, registration, and the parade route to Kildonan Park.

2nd annual Cycle 4 Change bike tour

posted at July 27, 2009 15:41 (over 3 years ago)
Saturday, October 03, 08:00 AM
north of Winnipeg

Event website

This is a fundraiser for youth.

August Monthly Meeting

posted at July 15, 2009 21:16 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, August 11, 07:30 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd Floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items for the July Monthly Meeting:

  • Bike to Work Day report (Curt Hull)
  • Endorse Sharron Bettess as our BttF rep on the study for the St Vital to UofM bike/ped bridge (Kevin Miller)
  • Remuneration for website technical support (Kevin Miller)
  • Francois Legard (social marketing expert) day-long workshop sponsored by PACM in November (Jackie)
  • Our 4th annual fall forum
  • Speak Up Winnipeg — submit a presentation as per Ian Hall’s suggestion to Gareth & Jackie (Jackie Avent)
  • Stop sign ticketing of cyclists at Assiniboine Ave on July 24th and Balmoral & Westminster on Aug 5th (Kevin Miller)
  • Bike Shorts Film Festival (Don English, Shona Kusyk)
  • Membership renewals (Rob Cosco)
  • Ciclovia Winnipeg (Janice Lukes & Anders Swanson)
  • Financial update (Curt Hull)
  • City Committee report (Mark Cohoe)
  • Provincial Committee report (Jeremy Hull)

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday August 10th.

We hope to see you at the August Monthly Meeting.

Webinar: Leading Cycling Cities — Lessons from Victoria

posted at July 09, 2009 20:26 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, July 14, 02:00 PM
your computer

2:00 to 3:00 PM Winnipeg time

Space is limited.

Reserve your Webinar seat now at https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/492300507

What makes Victoria a ‘leading’ cycling city and is its title “cycling capital of Canada” deserved? What approach to bicycle integration is Victoria pursuing, which offshore practices have been transferred with what results, and what has yet to be tried? What holds progress back elsewhere, and what kinds of changes would catalyze more rapid growth?

Cycling is Victoria’s fastest growing mode of transportation, and not by chance. Expanding bicycle infrastructures coupled with effective promotion of commuter cycling have grown participation dramatically. Learn what Victoria has done to innovate and get new ideas about retrofitting for bicycle-friendliness.

Our expert guest presenters:

  • John Luton is a Victoria city councillor, executive director of Capital Bike and Walk, and the coordinator of the Vancouver Island Cycle Tourism Alliance.
  • David Cubberley is a former four-term Saanich councillor and founding president of Bike To Work Victoria. He served as MLA for Saanich South from 2005 to 2009.

See http://www.bcsea.org for more information.

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Webinar: “Counting bicyclists and pedestrians”

posted at July 09, 2009 18:43 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, July 15, 02:00 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd Floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

2:00 to 3:00 PM


Please RSVP to jessie@resourceconservation.mb.ca or 925-3772.

Content covered:

Accurate demand and usage data for bicycle and pedestrian facilities can influence policy and funding decisions and strengthen grant requests. In the past, lack of data has limited the ability to justify investments in bicycle and pedestrian facilities. In this one-hour webinar, participants will learn about the latest tools and research for forecasting bicycle and pedestrian demand and use.

While there are well-established methodologies for conducting traffic counts, performing household travel surveys and modeling travel demand for vehicles, no such standards exist for nonmotorized modes. Presenters Michael Jones, Principal, and Jennifer Donlon, Senior Planner, of Alta Planning + Design, willdiscuss advances in count technology and demand analysis, including:

  • The latest pedestrian and bicycle automatic counters
  • Which technology is right for your count
  • Techniques for extrapolating hourly counts to forecast demand at specific times of day or year
  • The National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project

Also in this webinar, Daniel Sauter, of Urban Mobility Research in Zurich, will present an overview of his Walk21 pre-conference session, “Measuring Walking, Part III: Performance indicators and methods for monitoring and benchmarking,” which will address ongoing efforts to establish international standards for the collection, analysis and dissemination of qualitative and quantitative techniques for measuring walking.

Silver Avenue Pathway — Community Consultation

posted at June 23, 2009 21:25 (over 3 years ago)
Thursday, June 25, 07:00 PM
Heritage Victoria Community Centre, 950 Sturgeon Road

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

This is a community consultation to discuss the development of an active transportation corridor from Hamilton Avenue to Sturgeon Road linking parks, and community and recreation centres. Following a brief presentation on the project, you are invited to offer input, give suggestions, and discuss the project in detail.

Silver Avenue Pathway — A Community Vision and Design Session

KyotoPlus: “Pedal for the Planet” ride for Climate Change

posted at June 22, 2009 20:39 (over 3 years ago)
Friday, August 14, 08:00 AM
Winnipeg to Portage la Prairie and back

The Pedal for the Planet bike tour is looking for cyclists to ride to and from Portage La Prairie in support of the KyotoPlus campaign.

The target dates are August 14th and 15th for the trip out and back. The aim is to raise public awareness about current inaction on Climate Change and create more discussion about what can be done.

A rally is planned at the Legislative building on August 20th, the week following the cycling tour.

The next Manitoba planning meeting is June 25th. Please contact Kelly Whelan-Enns of Manitoba Wildlands at kelly -at- manitobawildlands.org , (204) 947-3400.

Muddy Waters 100 century ride (and 25K urban ride)

posted at June 22, 2009 19:54 (over 3 years ago)
Sunday, August 09, 09:00 AM
The Forks (and beyond)

The Muddy Waters 100 was started 15 years ago by a group of serious cyclists who wanted to have an organized 100 mile ride held on an annual basis.

This year, the organizers have turned to Habitat for Humanity to assist them to grow the event into an important annual celebration of cycling in Manitoba. In addition to the historic “century ride”, they are offering rides of 100 km and 60 km, as well as a family urban ride of 25 km.

Muddy Waters 100 poster (PDF)
Muddy Waters 100 website — complete event and registration info

“Where’s the Pathway in BRT?”

posted at June 22, 2009 19:04 (over 3 years ago)
Thursday, June 25, 12:00 PM
South Osborne Underpass, NE corner (just south of the Masonic Temple parking lot)

Help inform Winnipeggers about a critical gap in the City’s Active Transportation network and get a free ice cream!

Join us this Thursday June 25th at noon at the South Osborne Underpass for a press conference highlighting the sudden and fundamental change in the Southwest Rapid Transit Corridor.


For years the rapid transit project has been mandated to include an integrated Active Transportation Pathway. In the current plans, the pathway has become disconnected by the South Osborne Underpass. The fragmented remnants of the pathway will lead motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians into conflict.

Paul Jordan, Chair of the Winnipeg Trails Association, along with representatives from the Winnipeg Trails Association, The Forks, the Prairie Pathfinders walking club, Bike to the Future, Winnipeg Rapid Transit Coalition, Manitoba Cycling Association, and One Green City are undertaking an awareness campaign to inform the public of this fundamental change. Paul and others will hold a short press conference on the Active Transportation component of the Southwest Rapid Transit Corridor project followed by a walk through the underpass and free Banana Boat ice cream on the other side.

This is one of the most critical “choke points” of the Active Transportation Network. If must be addressed now.

We hope you can attend. Please share this message with your contacts.

Press Release PDF
Letter to Premier Doer PDF
Letter to Mayor Katz PDF

The Gap in the City’s SW Rapid Transit Corridor bikeway plan (May 23rd)
The Gap — diagram PDF

Imagine Your Winnipeg — The City Building Charrette (Speak Up Winnipeg)

posted at June 15, 2009 21:12 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, June 24, 03:00 PM
Winnipeg Art Gallery, Memorial Blvd near Portage Ave

June 23rd to June 26th

The City has announced the next big step in their Speak Up Winnipeg planning process. It’s a 3 1/2 day charrete with 11 various workshops and presentations and focused topic meetings. Some are drop-in, while others require pre-registration (free).

Complete info

July Monthly Meeting

posted at June 15, 2009 20:12 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, July 14, 05:30 PM
Manitoba Eco-Centre — 3rd floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items for the July Monthly Meeting:

  • Bike to Work Day report (Curt Hull)
  • BttF rep needed to serve on the study for the St Vital to UofM bike/ped bridge (Kevin Miller)
  • Francois Legard (social marketing expert) day-long workshop sposored by PACM in November (Jackie)
  • Spring 2009 bike counts (Jeremy Hull)
  • Membership renewals (Rob Cosco)
  • Ciclovia Winnipeg (Janice Lukes & Anders Swanson)
  • Nomination of Anneliese Schoppe to the vacant position on our Board of Directors (Kevin Miller)
  • Financial update (Curt Hull)
  • City Committee report (Mark Cohoe)
  • Provincial Committee report (Jeremy Hull)

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday July 13th.

We hope to see you at the July Monthly Meeting.


posted at June 15, 2009 18:54 (over 3 years ago)
Sunday, July 19, 01:00 PM
Assiniboine Park

1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

MEC’s event description

Powers Street — A Community Vision and Design Session

posted at June 13, 2009 21:48 (over 3 years ago)
Thursday, June 18, 06:30 PM
West Kildonan Community Centre, Powers & Perth

This is a community consultation for the Powers Street Cycling Corridor. It’s your opportunity to provide community input on this project.

Info poster (PDF)

Building The Network — Public Open House

posted at June 05, 2009 20:43 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, June 24, 04:00 PM
Red River College, 160 Princess Street, CGA Manitoba Room, P-107 Main Floor

4:00 PM to 8:00 PM

You are invited to a Public Open House to learn about active transportation in Winnipeg, and find out about proposed cycling improvements.

All documents are PDFs.

These evaluation forms must be submitted to erik@marrcc.com by Monday June 8th:

Bike to Work Day 2009

posted at May 23, 2009 18:32 (over 3 years ago)
Friday, June 19, 06:30 AM

6:30 AM to 6:30 PM

(Please register!)


June 19th is the 2nd annual Bike to Work Day in Winnipeg. This day cannot happen without the energy of volunteers.

Almost all 70 volunteers are now in place. Thanks to all of all volunteers.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact kristin@marrcc.com.

Volunteers will be entered to win a volunteer-only prize package, and will be invited to a volunteer-only Appreciation Event in the evening with food, drink, music, and merriment. Volunteers will also receive a distinct Bike to Work Day T-shirt and have the satisfaction of contributing to an exciting and worthwhile event.

Bike to Work Day 2009 will again feature the Manitoba Lotteries Pancake Breakfast at The Forks.

We will have four Bike Oases (with food, drink and swag) located at Polo Park, the UofM, Northgate Shopping Centre, and Kildonan Crossing. Bike Waves (escorted group rides) will run from the Bike Oases to The Forks in the morning.

We need volunteers in the following capacities:

  • Pancake Breakfast at The Forks: 51 volunteers — two shifts (6:30-7:45 & 7:45- 9:00)
    — Traffic directors: 8×2
    — Registration table: 10×2
    — Registration table coordinator: 1
    — Bike valet: 4×2
    — T-shirt hand-out person: 1×2
    — Door entrance counter: 1×2
    — Spare: 1×2
  • Bike Oases: 12 volunteers — one shift (6:00-9:00)
    At each Bike Oasis, 1 to staff Oasis; 2 to ride as Bike Wave (group ride) escorts
    — UofM
    — Polo Park
    — Northgate Shopping Centre
    — Kildonan Crossing
  • Evening Appreciation Event: 3 volunteers — three shifts (5:00-6:00; 6:00-7:00; 7:00-8:00)
    — Door Security: 1×3
  • Event photographer

Volunteers for the following positions will be asked to commit to attending Bike to Work Day planning meetings on Wednesdays at noon:

  • Swag Coordinator
    Pick up and coordinate the swag for Bike to Work Day and facilitate the prize draws, contact the winners, and insure the prizes are distributed accordingly.
  • Oasis Coordinator
    Make sure everything is organized for the Oases in the City.

Bishop Grandin Greenway west of the Red River — community consultation

posted at May 22, 2009 11:07 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, June 24, 07:00 PM
Winnipeg Technical College, 130 Henlow Bay

7:00 to 9:00 PM

The extension of the Bishop Grandin Greenway Trail west of the Red River started last year with the first section being built from the Red River to Pembina Hwy. In 2009 the section from Pembina to Waverly will be constructed, and in 2010 the section from Waverly to McGillivary will be built.

Where would you like to see the trail located? Which side of Bishop Grandin and Kenaston Blvd should a new multi-use trail be built? WhyteRidge side? Winnipeg Tech College side? What trail system will this new trail connect to? What types of amenities should be installed (benches, refuse containers)?

The City Naturalists Department will also be presenting a concept plan to restore habitat along sections of this new trail.

Offer your input and opinions!

More info (and a map)

International Trails Day — festival

posted at May 22, 2009 10:40 (over 3 years ago)
Saturday, June 06, 09:00 AM
5 events on 7 trails

Explore new Winnipeg Trails all day long! There are five free trail events exploring seven trails in Winnipeg with an evening music bash and celebrations at The Forks!

Complete info

Building the Network — City of Winnipeg active transportation workshop

posted at May 22, 2009 09:20 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, June 02, 06:00 PM
Norwood Hotel, 112 Marion St

6:00 to 8:30 PM

You are invited to a working session to learn about active transportation in Winnipeg and contribute to the development of four specific cycling route options. The City of Winnipeg would like your input on on bike lanes, bikeways, and traffic calming for Winnipeg streets.

Complete info (PDF)

The registration deadline is May 31st.

Southwest Rapid Transit Corridor project (Stage 1) — Open House #2

posted at May 20, 2009 13:16 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, May 27, 04:00 PM
Winnipeg Convention Centre, 375 York Ave (Room 2H)

Southwest Rapid Transit Corridor project (Stage 1) — Open House #1

posted at May 20, 2009 13:07 (over 3 years ago)
Monday, May 25, 04:00 PM
Masonic Memorial Temple, 420 Corydon Ave (Osborne Junction)

Brakes Part 2 — workshop

posted at May 19, 2009 22:10 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, August 26, 07:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

Brakes Part 2: Adjusting ‘cantilever’ and ‘v’ brakes
7:00 to 9:00 PM
Facilitated by Daniel

All workshop are open to anyone — bring your friends who are new to bike repair. Bike Dump volunteers are especially encouraged to attend, as these workshops are are great way to improve your existing skills.


Brakes Part 1 — workshop

posted at May 19, 2009 22:08 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, August 19, 07:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

Brakes Part 1: Adjusting ‘center-pull’ and ‘side-pull’ brakes
7:00 to 9:00 PM
Co-facilitated by Josiah and Woozley

All workshop are open to anyone — bring your friends who are new to bike repair. Bike Dump volunteers are especially encouraged to attend, as these workshops are are great way to improve your existing skills.


Shifting Part 2 — workshop

posted at May 19, 2009 22:07 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, July 22, 07:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

Shifting Part 2: Adjusting ‘index’ shifters and derailleurs
7:00 to 9:00 PM
Facilitated by Jamie

All workshop are open to anyone — bring your friends who are new to bike repair. Bike Dump volunteers are especially encouraged to attend, as these workshops are are great way to improve your existing skills.


Shifting Part 1 — workshop

posted at May 19, 2009 22:05 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, July 15, 09:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

Shifting Part 1: Adjusting ‘friction’ shifters and derailleurs
7:00 to 9:00 PM
Facilitated by Cowboy

All workshop are open to anyone — bring your friends who are new to bike repair. Bike Dump volunteers are especially encouraged to attend, as these workshops are are great way to improve your existing skills.


Hubs — workshop

posted at May 19, 2009 22:00 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, June 24, 07:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

Hubs: Adjusting and replacing the ball-bearings in front and rear hubs
7:00 to 9:00 PM
Facilitated by Pat K

All workshop are open to anyone — bring your friends who are new to bike repair. Bike Dump volunteers are especially encouraged to attend, as these workshops are are great way to improve your existing skills.


Tires and Tubes — workshop

posted at May 19, 2009 20:52 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, June 17, 07:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

Tires and Tubes: Choosing the right tire, understanding tire pressure, removing and replacing tires, patching a hole in an inner tube, and more …
7:00 to 9:00 PM
Facilitated by Shae

All workshop are open to anyone — bring your friends who are new to bike repair. Bike Dump volunteers are especially encouraged to attend, as these workshops are are great way to improve your existing skills.


June Monthly Meeting

posted at May 18, 2009 18:48 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, June 09, 05:30 PM
Millennium Library, Buchwald Room, Donald St & Graham Ave

Bike to the Future normally meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 at the Manitoba Eco-Centre. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Previous Monthly Meetings — minutes

For June, we’ll be meeting at the Millennium Library (rather than at the Eco-Centre).

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items for the June Monthly Meeting:

  • Bike to Work Day (Curt Hull)
  • SW Rapid Transit bikeway — “The Gap”, etc (Gareth Simons)
  • The inaugural Bikefest 2009 on Sunday July 19th from 1:00 to 5:00 PM at Assiniboine Park — MEC organized (Kevin Miller)
  • Membership (purchase or renew yours at the meeting if you haven’t already done so) — status (Rob Cosco)
  • Winnipeg Cycling Map 2009 sales (Curt Hull)
  • City Committee report (Mark Cohoe)
  • Provincial Committee report (Jeremy Hull)
  • Disraeli Rehab update (Brion Dolenko)
  • Financial update (Curt Hull)

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday June 8th.

We hope to see you at the June Monthly Meeting.

Silver Avenue Pathway — A Community Vision and Design Session

posted at May 05, 2009 11:12 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, May 20, 07:00 PM
401 Westwood Drive (Westwood Community Church)

Powers Street — A Community Vision and Design Session

posted at May 05, 2009 11:06 (over 3 years ago)
Thursday, May 14, 06:30 PM
Pritchard Park Community Centre (Pritchard & Charles)

Commuter Challenge launch

posted at May 04, 2009 16:08 (over 3 years ago)
Thursday, May 07, 10:00 AM
The Forks, Skateboard Park

Headingly Grand Trunk Trail — Grand Opening

posted at May 03, 2009 15:55 (over 3 years ago)
Saturday, May 09, 01:00 PM

Bike to Work Day, cycling map — City media launch

posted at April 28, 2009 05:22 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, April 29, 12:00 PM
City Hall Courtyard

The City of Winnipeg, along with their partners from Bike to the Future, the Winnipeg Trails Association, Climate Change Connection, One Green City, Resource Conservation Manitoba, the Manitoba Cycling Association, and The Centre for Sustainable Transportation will be announcing three exciting Active Transportation initiatives for 2009 on Wednesday April 29th at noon at the City Hall Courtyard:

  1. Winnipeg Cycling Map 2009 will be available at bike shops throughout Winnipeg starting on Wednesday April 29th.
  2. A GPS cycling study called OttoCYCLE: Building Better Biking in Winnipeg will start on May 1st.
  3. The 2nd annual Bike to Work Day will be held on Friday June 19th.

Mayor Sam Katz, Councillor Russ Wyatt, City Active Transportation Coordinator Kevin Nixon, and representatives from each partner organization will be attending. A good turnout of cyclists will help launch these three initiatives on a very positive note.

Planning meeting for Bike to Work Day 2009

posted at April 20, 2009 10:13 (over 3 years ago)
Friday, April 24, 02:30 PM
Sport Manitoba, 200 Main St at York Ave

until 4:00 PM.

The planning for Bike to Work Day 2009 has begun, and we are excited about an event that will be bigger and better than last year. We plan on having more developed energy stations with food and fun at locations around the city, a volunteer celebration at the end of the day, and of course the pancake breakfast at The Forks.

We are currently looking for dedicated, enthusiastic, and energetic people to be on the planning team for this year’s event to help make the day a revolutionary success. If you are interested in joining an amazing team, please come to our next planning meeting.

Please check in with the receptionist at the 2nd floor of Sport Manitoba. Bike parking is available in the underground parkade.

We hope to see you there!

Commuter Challenge

posted at April 20, 2009 06:19 (over 3 years ago)
Sunday, May 31, 12:01 AM
Winnipeg and Canada

May 31st to June 6th.

How did you get to work today?

The 10th annual Commuter Challenge is a national sustainable transportation event celebrated during Environment Week.

It’s a friendly competition between workplaces and schools to encourage individuals to walk, bike, carpool, telecommute, or bus on their daily commute to work or school from May 31st 1st to June 6th to emphasize active and green means of commuting.

Prizes are awarded to Workplaces with the highest participation rates. The main objective of the promotion is to highlight the importance of green and active commuting in creating healthy communities through opportunities for increased physical activity and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

For all the details, including registration information, please see Resource Conservation Manitoba’s Commuter Challenge website.

An orientation session for Workplace Coordinators was held on Monday May 4th from 11:30 to 12:45 at Sport Manitoba, 200 Main St at York Ave.

For more info, please contact challenge@resourceconservation.mb.ca.

May Monthly Meeting

posted at April 15, 2009 03:12 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, May 12, 05:30 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd Floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items for the May Monthly Meeting:

  • Bike to Work Day (Curt Hull)
  • Membership renewals (Rob Cosco)
  • Mayor’s Symposium – A Sustainable Winnipeg report (Holly Poklitar)
  • Ciclovia Winnipeg (Janice Lukes & Anders Swanson)
  • Green Leap Forward (Jackie Avent)
  • Financial update (Curt Hull)
  • City Committee report (Mark Cohoe)
  • Provincial Committee report (Jeremy Hull)

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday May 11th.

We hope to see you at the May Monthly Meeting.

How to carry stuff on your bike — workshop

posted at April 06, 2009 18:03 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, May 20, 07:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

How to Carry Stuff on Your Bike: Racks, Baskets and Beyond
7:00 to 9:00 PM
It will be co-facilitated by six different people, who will each share their ideas about carrying cargo with you on your bike. Examples of different methods, as well as written instructions for some ideas will be on hand.


Activate your commute

posted at April 02, 2009 15:05 (over 3 years ago)
Saturday, April 25, 01:30 PM
Louis Riel Library, 1168 Dakota Street

Winnipeg in Motion will discuss walking and cycling to work, school, and in and around your neighbourhood as the perfect way to combine regular physical activity with your busy schedule.

Learn tips on how to stay safe while walking and cycling in Winnipeg. Deanna and Kristine will help you choose a safe, scenic, or direct route. Come and check out the latest equipment to make getting around easier and more enjoyable.

Admission is free of charge and registration is not required. For more information, please contact Winnipeg in Motion at 940-3648.

Poster (PDF)

Activate your commute

posted at April 02, 2009 12:10 (over 3 years ago)
Friday, April 17, 12:10 PM
Millennium Library, Carol Shields Auditorium, Donald St & Graham Ave

Jessie Klassen of Resource Conservation Manitoba and Scot Miller of Olympia Cycle & Ski will discuss walking and cycling to work, school, and in and around your neighbourhood as the perfect way to combine regular physical activity with your busy schedule.

Learn tips on how to stay safe while walking and cycling in Winnipeg. Jessie and Scot will help you choose a safe, scenic, or direct route. Come and check out the latest equipment to make getting around easier and more enjoyable.

Admission is free of charge and registration is not required. For more information, please contact Winnipeg in Motion at 940-3648.

Poster (PDF)

April Monthly Meeting

posted at March 31, 2009 18:30 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, April 14, 05:30 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd Floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items for the April Monthly Meeting:

  • Kyotoplus Global Warming Bike Relay (Kelly Whelan-Enns)
  • The Centre for Sustainable Transportation’s cycle mapping project (Marika Olynyk)
  • 2009 Winnipeg Cycling Map 2009 (Curt Hull)
  • Bike to Work Day (Curt Hull)
  • Membership renewals (Rob Cosco)
  • Disraeili Rehabilitation Collaborative Planning Working Group (Brion Dolenko)
  • Bike Valet service at the new Blue Bombers stadium at the UofM (Ben Goldstein)
  • Ciclovia Winnipeg (Janice Lukes & Anders Swanson)
  • Green Leap Forward (Jackie Avent)
  • Financial update (Curt Hull)
  • City Committee report (Mark Cohoe)
  • Provincial Committee report (Jeremy Hull)
  • Board of Directors vacancy (Jackie Avent)

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday April 13th.

We hope to see you at the April Monthly Meeting.

Visionary Cycling Videos

posted at March 23, 2009 18:51 (over 3 years ago)
Friday, April 24, 12:10 PM
Millennium Library, Carol Shields Auditorium (2nd floor)

The Millennium Library is celebrating Earth Week (April 20th to 24th) with a variety of films and speakers (PDF — 1.7MB). These free presentations will begin at 12:10.

Bike to the Future will be presenting Visionary Cycling Videos on the Friday. Volunteers are needed to help:

  • find and review videos that show examples of cycling infrastructure in other cities that would inspire Winnipeggers to get behind building something here.
  • get the videos in a resolution suitable for projection.
  • get the rights to use the videos at a non-profit (free) public event.
  • be in attendance at the event to participate in discussions following the videos.

Please contact us if you’d like to help.

Bike to the Future’s page of advocacy videos

Winnipeg Cycletouring Club’s Spring Kick-off and Membership Meeting

posted at March 22, 2009 23:12 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, April 01, 07:00 PM
Sport Manitoba, 200 Main St at York Ave

Come out to learn about the greatest recreational riding in Winnipeg. Cyclists are welcome to join the Winnipeg Cycletouring Club (WCC) to hear about their plans for a wonderful year of fresh air and fitness. Refreshments will be served at 6:30, prior to the meeting.

The Winnipeg Cycletouring Club, celebrating 16 wonderful years of recreational cycletouring east, west, north, south, inside, outside, around and through Winnipeg, introduces a new website where you can will find the 2009 ride schedule and the WCC newsletter Outspokin. Memberships forms will be available on April 1st.

Bike lanes are good for business — webinar

posted at March 22, 2009 23:01 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, March 25, 01:30 PM
Manitoba Eco-Centre — 3rd floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

Bike to the Future is hosting a free webinar entitled Bike lanes are good for business. There is room for 25 people. Please reserve your spot by contacting Jackie Avent.

Is your community considering investing in its public realm through an improved pedestrian environment or increasing transportation options through the installation of on-road bike lanes? Often, such proposals involve removing some on-street parking and are met with opposition from merchants who fear that the reallocation of road space would hurt business.

A recent study in Toronto found that contrary to common public perception, the evidence shows that removing on-street parking to install a bicycle lane or widened sidewalk would likely increase not decrease commercial activity. The study, conducted in July of 2008,surveyed the opinions and preferences of merchants and patrons on Bloor Street, and analyzed parking usage data in the Annex area.

Among the study’s findings:

  • Only 10% of patrons drive to Bloor-Annex neighbourhood.
  • Even during peak periods no more than about 80% of parking spaces are paid for.
  • Patrons arriving by foot and bicycle visit the most often and spend the most money per month.
  • There are more merchants who believe that a bike lane or widened sidewalk would increase business than think would reduce it.
  • The reduction in on-street parking supply from a bike lane or widened sidewalk could be accommodated in the area’s off-street municipal parking lots.

The Clean Air Partnership is pleased to invite you to participate in a webinar profiling the findings of the study, the tools and methodology used and a discussion on how a similar study could be conducted in your community. The findings of this study will also be presented in May at Velo-City 2009 in Brussels – the world’s largest conference devoted to bicycling.

Presenter: Fred Sztabinski

The study’s lead researcher is an urban planning and policy researcher currently based in Amsterdam. Prior to this, Fred worked as the Project Coordinator and Active Transportation Researcher for the Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation and the Clean Air Partnership. Fred has a Masters in Planning from the University of Toronto. Fred’s previous work experience, including time spent with the provincial government, the transit industry, and a transportation demand management association, has consistently aimed at raising the profile of more sustainable modes of transportation and promoting travel choice alternatives to the private car.

The study report

2009 Winnipeg Cycling bike map review

posted at March 22, 2009 18:00 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, March 24, 05:00 PM
Millennium Library — Carol Shields Auditorium (2nd floor)

until 7:00 PM

There’s one last opportunity to preview the new 2009 Winnipeg Cycling bike map before we go to print. The map provides suggested cycling routes in Winnipeg based on the City’s Active Transportation Network.

Stop by anytime between 5:00 and 7:00 PM.

Thanks to all who have contributed to date.

Building a High-Powered Bike Light workshop

posted at March 18, 2009 10:31 (over 3 years ago)
Saturday, April 04, 02:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

Build a high intensity LED bike light suitable for seeing the road or trail ahead and blinding others if aimed too high.

Much more info

An RSVP is required.

Singlespeeding workshop

posted at March 18, 2009 10:28 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, April 15, 07:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

Want to get rid of those pesky gears? This workshop will show you how to change a multi-speed bike into a single-speed. Important topics such as wheel dish, chain alignment, and gear ratios will be discussed.


Wheel truing workshop

posted at March 18, 2009 10:24 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, March 18, 07:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

This workshop will teach you how to straighten wobbly wheels. It will include lateral and radial adjustments, as well as dishing.


UofManitoba cycling meeting

posted at March 07, 2009 19:37 (over 3 years ago)
Thursday, March 19, 07:00 PM
217 Wallace building (geology), UofManitoba

You are invited to be part of a new UofM cycling initiative. We all know that the bicycle is a sustainable, healthy, fun, and inexpensive form of transportation. Anyone wanting to see more action taken to make it easier, safer, and more convenient to cycle to/from/within the UofM is encouraged to attend this meeting.

Map (building #22)

For more info, please contact braeden_taylor@hotmail.com.


posted at March 06, 2009 23:47 (over 3 years ago)
Friday, April 24, 07:00 PM
Franco Manitoban Cultural Centre

Note: If you’d like to create a 10x10x20 series item for Bike to the Future, please contact us at contact@biketothefuture.org.

The Manitoba Eco-Network will be holding its third Eco-Evening on April 24, 2009 at the Franco Cultural Centre, and there is an opportunity for you to participate.

The theme for this event is At Last Something to Smile About, with an improv comedy troupe and a 10x10x20 series (10 innovative eco-projects, 10 slides each, 20 seconds per slide!) The idea of the 10x10x20 series is to give a snapshot of some great eco-projects without going in to too much detail but keeping it interesting.

We are inviting any member groups interested in taking part in the 10x10x20 series to submit a paragraph describing your eco-project to us by March 13. Paragraphs can be submitted to info@mbeconetwork.org.

Keep in mind:

  • Only 1 project should be submitted.
  • The project must be current (active in 2008) and relate to an environmental issue.
  • The project should be novel, innovative and solutions-based.
  • Projects that are new to Manitoba are encouraged.
  • The project should be reproduceable or encourage involvement.
  • Projects will be presented verbally with slides used for visual enhancement (slides will advance automatically every 20 seconds).
  • Slides have little text and great pictures.
  • Slides cannot have Internet or sound files.
  • The goal is to be upbeat and positive.

This is a great opportunity to promote the good work you are doing as the Eco-Evenings are quite popular and get good media attention.

After March 13th, a committee will select the most interesting projects and provide further direction to those groups.

We hope you will join us in making this Eco-Evening a great celebration of eco-solutions.

Lise Smith
Manitoba Eco-Network, Coordinator
3-303 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 2B4
Ph: (204) 947-6511
Fax: (204) 989-8476
Web: www.mbeconetwork.org

Disraeli cycling/pedestrian crossing: presentation

posted at March 06, 2009 18:51 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, March 17, 06:00 PM
Millennium Library, Anhang Room, 2nd floor

The Disraeli Rehabilitation project’s Collaborative Planning Working Group (CPWG) held a day-long meeting on February 18th to discuss options for the cyclist/pedestrian crossing. Representatives from Bike to the Future (Brion Dolenko), One Green City (Anders Swanson), the Winnipeg Trails Association (Janice Lukes) and other organizations attended the meeting, and many resource materials were produced from the meeting.

These resource materials will be presented by Brion, Anders, and Janice. Discussion will follow, and your feedback will be noted and taken back to the next CPWG meeting on Wednesday March 18th (the next day). The consultant responsible for the project may also be in attendance.

This meeting will be immediately preceded by the new Winnipeg cycling map review meeting at 5:00 PM, and Bike to the Future’s March Monthly Meeting will immediately follow at 7:00 PM.

Winnipeg cycling map review

posted at March 06, 2009 18:24 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, March 17, 05:00 PM
Millennium Library, Anhang Room, 2nd floor

The new Winnipeg cycling map will be ready for its initial review by a broad representation of Winnipeg cyclists on March 17th. The project team is interested in your views about the map.

The Disraeli cycling/pedestrian crossing: presentation and feedback meeting will immediately follow at 6:00 PM, and Bike to the Future’s March Monthly Meeting will immediately follow it at 7:00 PM.

River Heights – Fort Garry by-election: Candidates Meetings

posted at February 20, 2009 11:03 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, March 03, 12:30 PM
Manitoba Eco-Centre — 3rd floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

The Winnipeg Trails Association and Bike to the Future have arranged separate meetings with both of the candidates in the upcoming River Heights – Fort Garry by-election. The meetings will allow the candidates to engage members of the community in a discussion about Active Transportation in River Heights – Fort Garry, and learn about opportunities for improvements to active transportation infrastructure and programming within the ward and throughout Winnipeg as a whole.

  • Geoff Currier: Tuesday March 3rd, 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
  • John Orlikow: Wednesday March 4th, noon to 1:30 PM

The Manitoba Eco-Centre is on the 3rd floor in the Mountain Equipment Building. Use the entrance door on Portage Avenue just east of the MEC store entrance.

If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to Mark Cohoe at city@biketothefuture.org so that we have an idea of how many people will be attending. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Active Transportation and Bike to the Future — information discussion

posted at February 16, 2009 10:57 (over 3 years ago)
Thursday, March 26, 07:00 PM
Crossways in Common, 222 Furby Steet at Broadway Ave

Bike to the Future’s City Committee Director, Mark Cohoe, will be giving a talk about Active Transportation in Winnipeg and Bike to the Future. This event is organized by the Manitoba NDP. Everyone is welcome to attend.

March Monthly Meeting

posted at February 09, 2009 08:11 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, March 17, 07:00 PM
Millennium Library, Anhang Room, 2nd floor

Bike to the Future normally meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 at the Manitoba Eco-Centre. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll be meeting on Tuesday March 17th (rather than on March 10th) at the Millennium Library (rather than at the Eco-Centre) at approximately 7:00 PM, immediately following the new Winnipeg cycling map review meeting at 5:00 PM, and the Disraeli cycling/pedestrian crossing: presentation and feedback meeting at 6:00 PM.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items for the March Monthly Meeting:

  • Membership renewals — status (Rob Cosco)
  • Our invitation to the Mayor’s Symposium – A Sustainable Winnipeg on Saturday April 25th
  • Financial update (Curt Hull)
  • Plan Winnipeg (Mark Cohoe)
  • 2009 Provincial budget (Jeremy Hull)
  • T-shirt sales (Ben Goldstein)

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday March 16th.

We hope to see you at the March Monthly Meeting.

The Forks River Trail Party Parade

posted at January 28, 2009 08:21 (over 3 years ago)
Sunday, February 01, 12:00 PM
The Forks River Trail

The Longest Soul Rhythm Hip-Hop Pied-Piper Skate Dance Party Parade In The World — 9.34 kilometres!

  • 12:00 noon: The Parade Party leaves The Forks Historical Port
  • 12:30 PM: Arrive at Hugo Street Dock
  • 1:00 PM: Arrive at the Dominion Street access point
  • 1:30 PM: Arrive at the Bourkevale Park access point
  • 2:00 PM: Arrive at Assiniboine Park (parade end)

For those people who don’t want to skate back to The Forks, a Winnipeg Transit bus will be at waiting at Assiniboine Park to return people to The Forks (bring your own fare).

Additional info may be posted at http://www.rivertrail.ca/wp/.

Route 90 widening — Open House

posted at January 22, 2009 21:01 (over 3 years ago)
Thursday, January 29, 04:00 PM
Canad Inns Polo Park, 1405 St. Matthews Avenue

4:00 to 8:00 PM

The City of Winnipeg is considering options for widening Route 90 between Taylor Avenue and Ness Avenue, including related improvements to intersections, bridge structures, streetscaping, and facilities for transit, pedestrians, and cyclists.

The Public is invited to an Open House to view conceptual options for the Route 90 improvements. Study Team members and City staff will be on hand to discuss the project and respond to questions. Feedback forms will be provided for attendees to record their comments and suggestions.

The more cyclists who attend and express a desire for really good cycling facilities as part of this expansion, the more likely that good cycling facilities will result.

More info (PDF).

Route 90 widening — Open House

posted at January 22, 2009 20:47 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, January 28, 04:00 PM
Carpathia School, 300 Carpathia Avenue

4:00 to 8:00 PM

The City of Winnipeg is considering options for widening Route 90 between Taylor Avenue and Ness Avenue, including related improvements to intersections, bridge structures, streetscaping, and facilities for transit, pedestrians, and cyclists.

The Public is invited to an Open House to view conceptual options for the Route 90 improvements. Study Team members and City staff will be on hand to discuss the project and respond to questions. Feedback forms will be provided for attendees to record their comments and suggestions.

The more cyclists who attend and express a desire for really good cycling facilities as part of this expansion, the more likely that good cycling facilities will result.

More info (PDF).

Headsets workshop

posted at January 15, 2009 19:05 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, January 21, 07:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

with Jamie Repa

The headset is basically made up of the cups and bearings that allow you to turn. They are located where the fork meets the frame of the bike. This workshop will provide an overview of this whole system, and will teach participants how to remove and install new headset bearings.


Warming Hearts in Winnipeg — Exploring Sustainable Happiness as Part of Health and Community Design: Dr Catherine O’Brien

posted at January 14, 2009 19:06 (over 3 years ago)
Wednesday, February 11, 07:00 PM
Millennium Library, Carol Shields Auditorium, Donald St & Graham Ave

Catherine O’Brien is an Assistant Professor in the School of Education (Health & Wellness) at Cape Breton University, a Research Associate of the Centre for Sustainable Transportation, and co-author of Child and Youth Friendly Land Use and Transport Planning Guidelines (1.3MB PPT). In addition, Dr O’Brien has drawn from the fields of positive psychology and sustainability to develop a new concept: sustainable happiness. She defines this as the pursuit of happiness that is respectful of other people, the natural environment, and future generations. Her work emphasizes the significance of creating communities that meet the needs and aspirations of children, and planning for sustainable happiness.

February Monthly Meeting

posted at January 13, 2009 16:10 (over 3 years ago)
Tuesday, February 10, 05:30 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd Floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items for the February Monthly Meeting:

  • 2009 Winnipeg cyclist map (Curt Hull)
  • Upcoming City Council byelection in River Heights (Mark Cohoe)
  • Plan Winnipeg (Mark Cohoe)
  • 2009 Provincial budget (Jeremy Hull)
  • Membership renewals — status (Rob Cosco)
  • Ciclovia on Ice / Ciclovia Winnipeg — Janice Lukes & Anders Swanson
  • Disraeili Rehabilitation Collaborative Planning Working Group (Brion Dolenko)
  • Bicycle Users Groups (David Wieser)
  • UofM Environmental Awareness Week — March 23rd to 27th (Kevin)
  • Guidelines for Child- and Youth-Friendly Land-Use and Transportation Planning for Manitoba conference (Karin Kliewer)
  • Financial update (Curt Hull)
  • T-shirt sales (Ben Goldstein)

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday February 9th.

We hope to see you at the February Monthly Meeting.

Route 90 Preliminary Design & Public Consultation Study — initial meeting

posted at January 05, 2009 12:15 (over 4 years ago)
Monday, January 19, 05:00 PM
Marr Office Boardroom, 8th Floor, 136 Market Avenue

The City of Winnipeg is undertaking a study to determine possible ways of improving Route 90 (Kenaston Blvd) between Taylor Avenue and Ness Avenue so that it will better accommodate motor vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. The results of the study will play a key role in determining what future Route 90 changes might include.

Bike to the Future and other organizations have been invited to send a few representatives to the initial meeting to talk about cycling in the Route 90 area — existing conditions, barriers, opportunities, routes, and preferences regarding potential facilities/treatments.

Please contact us at contact@biketothe future.org if you are interested in representing BttF on this project.

Please note that the elevator locks off the 8th floor after 4:45 PM. Someone from the Marr Consulting office will be downstairs to unlock it for you. If no one is there when you arrive, please call 927-3456 (receptionist) or extension 242 (Erik Dickson), and someone will come unlock it for you, or just wait a minute and someone will be there.

Please also feel free to bring your bikes upstairs with you.

A light supper will be provided.

More info (PDF).

January Monthly Meeting

posted at November 19, 2008 07:06 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, January 13, 05:30 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd Floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We won’t be having a Monthly Meeting in December because our November Monthly Meeting was later in the month (on the 3rd Tuesday) and, well, it’s December.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items for the January Monthly Meeting:

  • Why Not Winnipeg? Fall Forum report (Jeremy Hull)
  • Rapid Transit (BRT) — concerns about the bikeway plan (Curt Hull)
  • 2009 Winnipeg cyclist map (Curt Hull)
  • 2009 City of Winnipeg budget (Mark Cohoe)
  • Upcoming City Council byelection in River Heights (Mark Cohoe)
  • Plan Winnipeg (Mark Cohoe)
  • 2009 Provincial budget (Jeremy Hull)
  • Membership renewals — status (Rob Cosco)
  • Strategic Planning Meeting on December 9th (Jackie Avent)
  • Financial update (Curt Hull)
  • T-shirt sales (Ben Goldstein)
  • Cycling Advocacy for Winnipeg Citizens brochure (Ray Yuen)
  • Presentation of a Masters of Interior Design studio project promoting BttF (Anna Westlund)
  • BttF staff (Jackie Avent)
  • Media Communication specialist needed (Jackie Avent)

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday January 12th.

We hope to see you at the January Monthly Meeting.

Bottom brackets workshop

posted at November 15, 2008 22:58 (over 4 years ago)
Wednesday, December 17, 07:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

For more info, please go to their website.

Coaster hubs workshop

posted at November 15, 2008 20:30 (over 4 years ago)
Wednesday, November 19, 07:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

For more info, please go to their website.

November Monthly Meeting

posted at October 01, 2008 22:07 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, November 18, 06:00 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd Floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

For November, we’re actually meeting on November 18th at 6:00 PM because the 2nd Tuesday is Remembrance Day. The November Monthly Meeting will be immediately preceded by our 2008 Annual General Meeting at 5:30.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items:

  • Report from our 3rd annual Fall Forum.
  • Bike Culture show on CKUW 95.9 FM (Curt Hull)
  • 2009 Winnipeg cyclist map (Curt Hull, Ted Mann)
  • Provincial budget (Jeremy Hull)
  • 1% Municipal Sales Tax (David Weiser)
  • Membership renewals — status (Karin Kliewer, Cory Bellhouse)
  • Financial update (Curt Hull)

We’ll be selling memberships and BttF T-shirts.

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday November 17th.

We hope to see you at the November Monthly Meeting.

Gears & Derailleurs workshop

posted at October 01, 2008 22:03 (over 4 years ago)
Wednesday, October 29, 07:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

For more info, please go to their website.

Winter Cycling workshop

posted at October 01, 2008 22:00 (over 4 years ago)
Wednesday, October 22, 07:00 PM
The Bike Dump, 631 Main Street at Logan Ave

For more info, please go to their website.

Bike Shorts Film Festival

posted at October 01, 2008 21:37 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, October 21, 07:00 PM
Cinemathique, 100 Arthur Street (Artspace building)

Poster — 1.6MB PDF

Map — PDF

Films — PDF (22 of them — just under two hours, plus an intermission)

Price: $10

The Bike Shorts Film Festival has been shown in Vancouver and Calgary, and is working its way across Canada. Anyone who loves riding bikes and/or likes films should really enjoy this.

Bike Valet courtesy of Natural Cycle, 91 Albert St (a one minute walk away)

Some of the bus routes that stop close to the Cinematheque are 29 Sherbrook via Broadway, Downtown Spirit 3, and numerous buses on Main Street.

Post event note: 91 attendees were treated to a very enjoyable show.

October Monthly Meeting

posted at September 19, 2008 06:53 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, October 07, 05:30 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd Floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

For October, we’re actually meeting on October 7th because the 2nd Tuesday is Election Day and also the day before our annual Fall Forum.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items:

  • Report of the planning for our 3rd annual Fall Forum on Wednesday October 15th.
  • BttF T-shirts, status update — Ben Goldstein.
  • The new cyclists’ map — Tedd Mann.
  • Financial update — Curt Hull.
  • Annual General Meeting / Board of Directors — Kevin Miller.
  • Membership renewal — Karin Kliewer.

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday October 6th.

We hope to see you at the October Monthly Meeting.

Minutes from the September 9th meeting.

Campus Commuter Challenge

posted at September 19, 2008 01:39 (over 4 years ago)
Friday, September 26, 06:00 PM
Manitoba post-secondary campuses

Monday September 22nd to Friday September 26th

Fall has arrived, and university students are figuring out how to get to class not just on time, but also on a budget and greenhouse-gas-free. During the week of September 22nd-26th, they will also be engaging in a friendly competition to see which Manitoba campus will be declared the Campus Commuter Challenge Champion for 2008. Participating students have the opportunity to win fantastic prizes, including free monthly transit passes for the school year courtesy of Winnipeg Transit, and free train travel for two from Winnipeg to Churchill courtesy of Via Rail Canada. For more information or to register, visit www.resourceconservation.mb.ca.

UofWinnipeg Sustainability Festival

posted at September 10, 2008 08:40 (over 4 years ago)
Friday, September 19, 06:00 PM
University of Winnipeg

Monday September 15th to Friday September 19th. Events are happening all day and evening.

Presented by the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association.

Complete info and a schedule of events is at http://www.theuwsa.ca/?sectionid=6&contentid=380.

September Monthly Meeting

posted at August 22, 2008 11:34 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, September 09, 05:30 PM
Eco-Centre (Portage & Donald, 3rd floor MEC building)

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items:

  • Report of the planning for our 3rd annual Fall Forum (discuss the status of finding a paid Event Organizer, etc), and the status of the SDIF Grant we’ve obtained to fund it.
  • BttF T-shirts — status update.
  • Financial update.
  • Annual General Meeting / Board of Directors.
  • Membership renewal.

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday 8th.

We hope to see you at the September Monthly Meeting.

Minutes from the August 12th meeting.

2008 Annual General Meeting

posted at August 06, 2008 08:28 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, November 18, 05:30 PM
Eco-Centre — 3rd Floor MEC building, Portage & Donald


  • Welcome and introductions
  • Adoption of the minutes from the 2007 AGM (PDF)
  • Presentation of Annual Financial Statements
  • Presentation of Directors’ Annual Reports
  • Proposed change to our organizational bylaws:
    In 1.04, change the word “cyclists” to “citizens”.
  • Election of a new Board of Directors by all members.
    There is currently one vacancy on the Board, and there will be more vacancies as of the AGM. It’s important that we have a strong and capable Board to ensure that Bike to the Future continues to be guided along our Mission and towards our Vision. If you are interested in serving, would like to nominate someone, or if you’d like more info, please contact us.

2008 Fall Forum: Why Not Winnipeg?

posted at August 06, 2008 08:22 (over 4 years ago)
Wednesday, October 15, 06:30 PM
University of Winnipeg, Bulman Centre

Bike to the Future presents the 2008 Annual Fall Forum: Why not Winnipeg?

Wednesday October 15th
University of Winnipeg Bulman Centre
6:30 to 9:30 PM

Registration is from 6:00 to 6:30.

The opening address will be given by Mayor Sam Katz.

We will have an expert panel to answer your questions about cycling infrastructure and issues in Winnipeg and Manitoba:

  • Kerri Irvin-Ross, Manitoba’s Minister of Healthy Living.
  • Marilyn McLaren, CEO of Manitoba Public Insurance.
  • A high-ranking member of the Winnipeg Police Service.
  • Justin Swandel, Chair of City Council’s Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development.
  • Janice Lukes, Winnipeg Trails Association Coordinator.

The panel will be moderated by Bartley Kives, City Hall reporter for the Winnipeg Free Press, and it’ll be broadcast on CKUW 95.9 FM.

Also: Displays – Skits – Discussion Groups – Food – Prizes

We’ll also be selling memberships (new and renewals), tickets to the Bike Shorts Film Festival ($10), and Bike to the Future T-shirts ($20).

Note that all Bike to the Future memberships taken out in 2007 (and the free memberships given to 2008 Bike to Work Day participants) are due for renewal by our Annual General Meeting on November 18, 2008. All new and renewal memberships sold at the Fall Forum will be entered into a draw at the end of the evening for a major prize.

Wheely Green will be selling their Sustainability Guide ($20), which contains a free Bike to the Future individual membership.

There will also be info about the new-for-2009 Winnipeg cycling map (and a sign-up for route checking assignments).

Some other Bike to the Future partners will also have displays.

We hope you can join us for a lively evening of idea exchange between movers, shakers, and policy makers.

If you are interested in volunteering (many various tasks) please contact Jackie Avent.

2008 Fall Forum report:
Why Not Winnipeg? — October 15, 2008 (725K file, 24 pages)

2007 Fall Forum report:
From Imagination to Creation: The Future of Cycling in Winnipeg — October 11, 2007 (1MB PDF file, 28 pages)

2006 Fall Forum report:
Bike to the Future — September 21, 2006 (14MB PDF file, 20 pages)

August Monthly Meeting

posted at July 15, 2008 21:15 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, August 12, 05:30 PM
Eco-Centre (Portage & Donald)

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

It’s a rain day, so August’s meeting will be held at the Eco-Centre (Portage & Donald, 3rd floor MEC building), rather than at Central Park.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some tentative agenda items:

  • Police ticketing of cyclists riding on sidewalks since mid-July.
  • A report from the Planners’ Network Conference, which was held in mid-July.
  • Begin planning our 3rd annual Fall Forum (the SDIF Grant we’ve obtained).
  • A report from our meeting with the University of Manitoba.
  • BttF T-shirts — status update.
  • Financial update.
  • Membership update.

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday August 11th.

We hope to see you at the August Monthly Meeting.

Minutes from the July 10th meeting.

July Monthly Meeting

posted at July 06, 2008 21:30 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, July 08, 05:30 PM
Eco-Centre, 3rd floor MEC building — Portage & Donald

(The original plan was to meet at Central Park, but today is not a glorious Winnipeg summer day.)

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some items:

  • Planners Network 2008 Conference on July 17th — we need to have the BttF/MMA display set up and be prepared to sell memberships.
  • Brief reports from various June activities and events:
    -> International Trails Day
    -> Planners Network / Bike to the Future / Rapid Transit Coalition — Sustainable Transportation film night
    -> Bike to Work Day
    -> Tania Lo’s visit
    -> Transportation Sustainability policy-building workshop
    -> Virden highway tragedy — media
  • The City’s $17.9M alternative transportation funding / Katz July 18th deadline (Bartley Freep story on June 15th)
  • Bike Rally
  • Bike to the Future T-shirts
  • Status of grant proposals
  • Status of membership initiatives: membership leaflet, bike shops, and Bike to Work Day membership offer.
  • Sharrows Program info package
  • The Village Market — display
  • The vacancy on our Board of Directors (Events & Fundraising Committee Director or Director at Large). The process for recruiting new directors.

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday July 7th.

We hope to see you at the July Monthly Meeting.

Minutes from the June 10th meeting

Sustainable Transportation: Research, Advocacy, Realization — an evening event

posted at July 06, 2008 20:10 (over 4 years ago)
Thursday, July 17, 07:00 PM
Red River College, 160 Princess Street

Free public event.



Reception to follow. Displays from local organizations.

Bike Racks on Broadway Public Art Launch

posted at June 27, 2008 07:46 (over 4 years ago)
Thursday, July 03, 12:00 PM
Broadway Avenue median near Donald Street

Lock Onto Something Great

The Downtown BIZ and Winnipeg Arts Council are celebrating the launch of the new artist-designed bike racks on Broadway Avenue. Twenty one racks are installed in the Broadway area, featuring three winning designs, selected from over 275 designs.

Bike to Work Day “Cycling Skills” workshop

posted at June 11, 2008 00:29 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, June 17, 12:00 PM
Millennium Library — Carol Shields Auditorium (2nd floor)

noon to 1:00

As per the CanBike curriculum, learn how to be a safe commuter cyclist.

Please see our Safety & Education page for some helpful information on riding skills, useful for both the first-timer and the expert. A good knowledge of riding skills is essential to the bicycle commuter.

Bike to Work Day “Fix Your Bike” clinic

posted at June 11, 2008 00:21 (over 4 years ago)
Friday, June 13, 12:00 PM
City Hall Courtyard

noon to 1:00

A mechanic from Natural Cycle will be on hand to teach the basics about bicycle maintenance. Learn how to fix a flat, lube your chain, and spot issues before they arise.

The first 300 people who registered for Bike to Work Day should have been notified by e-mail to pick-up their T-shirt at this event.

June Monthly Meeting

posted at May 26, 2008 08:47 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, June 10, 05:30 PM
Manitoba Eco-Centre, 3rd floor MEC building

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some items (more to come):

  • Bike to Work Day on Friday June 20th.
  • Planners Network / Bike to the Future / Rapid Transit Coalition sustainable transportation film night on Wednesday June 18th.
  • The vacancy on our Board of Directors (Events & Fundraising Committee Director or Director at Large).
  • Status update of grants we’re applied for.

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday June 9th.

We hope to see you at the June Monthly Meeting.

Minutes from the May 13th meeting

Planners Network / Bike to the Future / Rapid Transit Coalition — Sustainable Transportation film night

posted at May 26, 2008 08:29 (over 4 years ago)
Wednesday, June 18, 07:30 PM
Gas Station Theatre

The evening will consist of a few short films, followed by a discussion panel about transportation. Bike to the Future will be represented by Jackie Avent.


Commuter Challenge media launch

posted at May 25, 2008 19:49 (over 4 years ago)
Friday, May 30, 10:00 AM
University of Winnipeg

It would be great to have as many people out as possible! Please bring your bike and wear your helmet.

Media event — Bike to Work Day

posted at May 08, 2008 09:42 (over 4 years ago)
Friday, May 09, 11:00 AM
City Hall

Mayor Katz and other City officials will join Bike to the Future and the Manitoba Cycling Association to kick-off to Bike To Work Day (Friday June 20th) at a 15 minute media event. It would be great to see many cyclists there.

May Monthly Meeting

posted at April 26, 2008 00:53 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, May 13, 05:30 PM
Manitoba Eco-Centre (3rd floor MEC building, Portage & Donald)

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes finalizing the agenda and allotting time to each item. Here are some items:

  • Grants we’re applied for and are applying for — SDIF for a Fall Conference submitted on April 15th, and another one to develop and print BttF promo posters and an info/membership leaflet.
  • Final results from Ray Yuen’s cycling survey that many of us completed a number of months ago.
  • A report from our Rapid Transit meeting with provincial Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Steve Ashton.
  • A report from our Membership Committee meeting on April 22nd.
  • Bikes & Beyond “comics wrapper” ad in the Free Press that promoted transportation cycling — thank you to Philip Roadley.
  • A report on Jackie’s and Ron’s appearance on CITY-TV Breakfast Television on Monday April 28th.
  • Bike to Work Day on Friday June 20th. (Each participant will get a free BttF membership that is in effect until November 2008.)
  • The provincial government’s formation of a Active Transportation Advisory Group.
  • Bike Shorts Film Festival: do we partner with the Planner’s Network for a June Film event?

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday May 12th.

We hope to see you at the May Monthly Meeting.

Minutes from the April 8th meeting

Jane’s Walk

posted at April 26, 2008 00:01 (over 4 years ago)
Sunday, May 03, 05:00 PM

May 2nd & 3rd from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Jane’s Walk is an annual event taking place in Winnipeg, and cities across Canada and the United States. These free walks are led by volunteers who offer an insider’s take on Winnipeg’s vibrant and fascinating neighbourhoods. They are a celebration of urban activist and writer Jane Jacobs, and raise urban literacy by combining the simple act of walking with personal observations, urban history, planning, design, and civic engagement. Jane’s Walk is an exceptional opportunity for Winnipeggers to discover their city – both places they think they know well and places they want to explore.

Winnipeg’s first year (2008) was a huge success! Over 500 people came out for the 13 walks that were offered in Winnipeg -– in spite of snow on the second day! Nationally, over six thousand people took part in Jane’s Walk 2008, wandering through 141 neighbourhoods in eleven Canadian cities.

Be part of Jane’s Walk 2009! Find out more at http://www.wolseleypost.mb.ca/janeswalk09invite.pdf PDF.

A list of Winnipeg walks, start times, locations, and descriptions is available here.

To host a walk, please contact Beth McKechnie at 925-3772.


CITY-TV Breakfast Television: BttF and MCA

posted at April 23, 2008 02:36 (over 4 years ago)
Monday, April 28, 07:00 AM

Bike to the Future Co-Chair Jackie Avent and Manitoba Cycling Association Executive Director Ron Brown will be appearing on CITT-TV Winnipeg’s Breakfast Television on Monday April 28th near the beginning of the show at 7:00 AM. They’ll be playing the Experienced Cyclist (Jackie) and the Novice Cyclist (Ron).

Bike to Work Day

posted at April 14, 2008 13:21 (over 4 years ago)
Friday, June 20, 06:00 PM


Free Press story

Volunteer opportunities (please contact us if you are interested or need more info):

  • Promotion (postering)
  • Manitoba Lotteries Breakfast of Champions Pancake Breakfast at The Forks. Site Plan (PDF).
  • Energy Stations located around the city. The shifts will be 2 hours between 6:30 AM and 8:30 AM. All volunteers will be asked to attend a brief (1 hour or less) orientation session prior to the event (date to be determined). Two tasks at the Energy Stations will be counting cyclists (who stop by and also those who pass by), and selling Bike to the Future memberships.
  • Bike Buddies for City Councillors and other dignitaries (to ensure they have a safe and enjoyable ride to/from work). All Bike Buddies should attend the Cycling Skills Workshop on Tuesday June 17th from noon to 1:00 PM at the Millennium Library’s Carol Shields Auditorium.

Volunteers for Bike to Work Day will receive a special Bike to Work Day T-shirt, a grab bag of useful promotional items, and will be entered to win some “volunteer only” prizes!

Do you know of any potential sponsors for Bike to Work Day?

CBC News at Six will be providing extensive coverage of Bike to Work Day.

Don’t forget to register for Bike to Work Day, and have the chance to win some excellent prizes. Please visit the Bike to Work Day website.

St Boniface Hospital Wellness Expo

posted at April 11, 2008 05:59 (over 4 years ago)
Friday, May 09, 11:30 AM
St Boniface Hospital

May 5th to 9th from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.

One goal of the Wellness Expo is to build awareness about safety for commuter cycling. There are plans for a one-hour workshop on one of the days.

Bike to the Future is partnering with the Manitoba Cycling Association to have a display at this event. We’re looking for volunteers to help out — contact MCA Executive Director Ron Brown (info@cycling.mb.ca or 925-5686) of the MCA.

More info about this event will be posted when its available.

Planners Network 2008 Conference — Planning in Challenging Climates

posted at April 09, 2008 01:37 (over 4 years ago)
Thursday, July 17, 09:00 PM
various locations

July 17th to 20th


Thursday July 17th at 7:00 PM at Red River College (Princess Street Campus)

Conference Opening Event (open to the public)
Sustainable Transportation: Research, Advocacy, Realization


Reception to follow. Displays from local organizations.

Friday July 18th

Planning with Aboriginal Communities — more info soon

Saturday July 19th

Local Local Local (food, music, art) — more info soon

City of Winnipeg Bicycle Auction

posted at April 05, 2008 06:30 (over 4 years ago)
Saturday, April 19, 07:00 AM
Varsity View Community Centre

Complete information is on the City of Winnipeg’s Bicycle Auction page.

International Trails Day — Walkin’ & Rollin’ on the Trail

posted at April 03, 2008 05:40 (over 4 years ago)
Saturday, June 07, 10:00 AM
Northeast Pioneers Greenway (Chalmers & Raleigh)

Winnipeg in Motion and the Winnipeg Trails Association have partnered to celebrate Manitoba’s 2nd International Trails Day by jointly hosting Walkin’ & Rollin’ on the Trail at the Northeast Pioneers Greenway on Saturday June 7th from 10:00 AM to noon.

Event website (agenda, poster, lots of info)

Site Plan (PDF)

Ecosystem Health and Community Health

posted at April 03, 2008 05:33 (over 4 years ago)
Wednesday, April 09, 04:00 PM
Radisson Hotel (280 Portage Avenue)

Resource Conservation Manitoba and Green Communities Canada, with assistance from the Manitoba Medical Association, invite you to an inspiring and thought-provoking talk …

Ecosystem Health: A New Concept for Health Care

  • Children’s health. Pollution. Environmental toxins.
  • Healthy people need healthy environments.

Dr John Howard, current chair of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, challenges some key beliefs of Canada’s health care system. He wants to broaden the definition of community health care to include the health of the water, the air and the land.

In his presentation in Winnipeg on April 9th, he will present an alternative model that focuses on Ecosystem Health as the basis for making health care and environmental decisions.

This is the keynote address to the Green Communities Canada National Conference.


Cocktails/reception will follow Dr Howard’s talk.

For more information, please contact RCM at 925-3770, or rcm@resourceconservation.mb.ca .

Getting your bike ready for the road

posted at April 03, 2008 01:13 (over 4 years ago)
Friday, April 18, 12:10 PM
Millennium Library — Carol Shields Auditorium (2nd floor)

12:10 to 12:50

Getting your bike ready for the road

Spring is here and it’s time to get your bike out of winter storage. But, before you hit the road, make sure that your bike is safe and ready to go!

Join bike expert Scot Miller from Olympia Cycle & Ski to learn the basics of tuning up your bike. Scot will show you how to inspect and maintain your tires, chains, cables, and brake pads to keep your bike in tip-top shape.

Admission is free of charge and registration is not required.

For more information, call Kristine at 940-1676.

Earth Day Sunday Celebration

posted at April 02, 2008 19:58 (over 4 years ago)
Sunday, April 20, 01:00 PM
Fort Whyte Alive (1961 McCreary Road)

1:00 to 4:00 PM

Green Booths:
Various organizations in Manitoba that are encouraging people to live in a more eco-friendly way will have Green Booths in the Main Theatre. Bike to the Future will have a display booth, and we’ll be selling memberships.

The 9th annual EcoAdventure race and many Earth Day family activities.

For more info, please see Fort Whyte Alive’s calendar for April 20th.

Bike Expo

posted at April 02, 2008 19:32 (over 4 years ago)
Sunday, April 13, 12:30 PM
Sir John Franklin Community Centre (Corydon & Lanark)

12:30 to 3:00 PM

Check out 2008 bikes and accessories displayed by local bike shops. Meet Manitoba Cycling Association and Triathlon Manitoba staff, event organizers, and club representatives. Bike to the Future will have an exhibit, and we’ll be selling memberships.

To shop for great deals, admission to the Bike Expo is a twoonie.

Rent a table and sell your bike stuff and triathlon gear.

For more info, please see the Bike Expo news items at www.tribalistic.ca or www.triathlon.mb.ca.

Environmental Expo

posted at April 02, 2008 19:11 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, April 22, 10:00 AM
Portage Place — Centre Court

10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Bike to the Future will have a display booth, and we’ll be selling memberships.

April Monthly Meeting

posted at March 22, 2008 14:27 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, April 08, 05:30 PM
Manitoba Eco-Centre (3rd floor MEC building, Portage & Donald)

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes creating an “emerging agenda” and allotting time to each item. Here are some priority items:

  • Our meeting with the provincial NDP caucus, which was held on Thursday March 20th.
  • Status update of action items from our Strategic Planning Session, which was held on Sunday March 2nd.
  • Status update of our partnership with the Manitoba Cycling Association.
  • The role, function, and membership of neighbourhood cycling groups within Bike to the Future.
  • A report from our rep on the City’s Active Transportation Advisory Committee.
  • BttF committee communication — Google Groups.

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday April 7th.

Our Monthly Meetings are an opportunity for all members to have input into Bike to the Future. A good turnout is always motivating, and it’s an indication that there are many cyclists in Winnipeg who are supportive of our Mission and Vision. We hope to see you at the April Monthly Meeting.

The minutes from the March 11, 2008 meeting are available on line.

March Monthly Meeting

posted at March 07, 2008 08:15 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, March 11, 05:30 PM
Manitoba Eco-Centre (3rd floor MEC building, Portage & Donald)

Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We’ll spend the first few minutes creating an “emerging agenda” and allotting time to each item. Here are some priority items:

  • A report from our Strategic Planning Session, which was held on Sunday March 2nd. We’ll discuss a number of ideas and action items that arose from that session: our membership structure, funding for our annual Fall Forum and other activities, funding for a staff person, stickers for promotion, other promotional activities, and possibly changing two words in our Mission and Vision (“cyclists” to “citizens” and “Winnipeg” to Manitoba”).
  • Our partnership with the Manitoba Cycling Association, and a report from the MCA’s meeting on Wednesday March 5th with its partners.
  • Our meeting with the provincial NDP caucus on Thursday March 20th.
  • The role, function, and membership of neighbourhood cycling groups within Bike to the Future.
  • A report from our rep on the City’s Active Transportation Advisory Committee.
  • BttF committee communication — Google Groups.

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday, March 10th.

Our Monthly Meetings are an opportunity for all members to have input into Bike to the Future, and a good turnout is always motivating and an indication that there are many cyclists in Winnipeg who are supportive of our Mission and Vision. We hope to see you at the March Monthly Meeting.

Minutes from the February 12, 2008 Monthly Meeting are now available.

Strategic Planning Session

posted at February 21, 2008 09:11 (over 4 years ago)
Sunday, March 02, 12:00 PM

Bike to the Future Strategic Planning Session

March 2nd, Noon – 4 pm

Manitoba Eco-Centre – 3rd Floor, 303 Portage Avenue

Bike to the Future will be conducting a Strategic Planning Session on March 2nd, 2008 at the Manitoba Eco-Centre (3rd Floor, 303 Portage Avenue) from noon-4pm. All members are welcome and invited to attend.

The conversation will include planning for the organization for the next year, based on the recommendations and findings from our Fall Forum (click here to see a copy of forum report), and will also include some visioning regarding the long-term strategy and longevity of the organization.

Some items to consider when preparing for the Strategic Planning Session are:

What is your vision for Bike to the Future over the next year? The next 5 years?

Where is our energy best used?

What should our membership structure look like?

What, if anything, should we be applying for funding for?

Any questions or comments about the Strategic Planning can be directed to contact(at)biketothefuture.org

February Monthly Meeting

posted at February 04, 2008 18:01 (over 4 years ago)
Tuesday, February 12, 05:30 PM
Manitoba Eco-Centre (3rd floor MEC building, Portage & Donald)

Monthly Meeting – February 12, 2008; 5:30 pm at Manitoba Eco-Centre

Bike to the Future meets regularly on the second Tuesday of every month at the Manitoba Eco-Centre, 3rd Floor – 303 Portage Avenue at 5:30 pm. Anyone is welcome to attend.

At the beginning of the meeting we create an emerging agenda for discussion.

Here are a few priority items:

  • Ray Yuen of the UofWinnipeg SUNSET project will present the results of his cycling survey that many of us completed a month or so ago.
  • A Bike to the Future advocacy leaflet will be presented, discussed, and finalized.
  • Our rep on the City’s Active Transportation Advisory Committee will present an update.
  • We’ll confirm the date/time for a Bike to the Future Strategic Planning meeting.
  • We’re still looking for a Bike Shop Liaison for the task we discussed at our January meeting.

If you would like something on the agenda, and you know in advance, please e-mail contact@biketothefuture.org before Monday, February 10th.

Hope to see you there!

Minutes from the January 8, 2008 Monthly Meeting are now available.

January Monthly Meeting

posted at January 04, 2008 19:00 (over 5 years ago)
Tuesday, January 08, 05:30 PM
Manitoba Eco-Centre — 3rd floor MEC building, Portage & Donald

Bike to the Future’s next Monthly Meeting is on Tuesday January 8th at 5:30 PM at the Eco-Centre, 303 Portage Avenue (3rd floor of the Mountain Equipment Co-op building). The December Monthly Meeting minutes were announced on December 16th; they can be read at www.biketothefuture.org/meetings/20071211_meeting.pdf .

Again this month, we’ll spend the first few minutes creating an “emerging agenda” and allotting time to each item. A few priority items will be:

*City of Winnipeg Active Transportation Advisory Committee “action plan” priorities — our input. (Please see the 2nd paragraph of the City Committee report in the December Monthly Meeting minutes.)

*Determining a date/time for a Bike to the Future Strategic Planning meeting and a Business Plan Development meeting.

*Formal approval of the minutes from the November and December meetings, and discussing any business that has resulted from those minutes.

*Cycling Survey — Ray Yuen, UofWinnipeg SUNSET project. (To fill out the survey online, please see the news item dated December 15th at http://biketothefuture.org. The Cycling Survey’s deadline is Thursday January 10th.

Jackie Avent will be the meeting Chair. Please send any written reports to me at this address (admin@biketothefuture.org).

Our Monthly Meetings are always on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 at the Eco-Centre. We hope to see you at the January Monthly Meeting.

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