Disraeli/NPG Connection Improvements

The Disraeli/NPG Connection Improvements project would complete the connection between the north end of the new Disraeli Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge and the Brazier/Roch bike boulevard by completing the side path along Midwinter linking the bridge to Brazier, and by creating safe crossings of Stadacona and Watt along Riverton.

  • Highlights
    • Completes the side path linking the Disraeli Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge to the intersection of Brazier and Midwinter
    • Provides a safe connection to the Northeast Pioneers Greenway by installing half signals where Riverton crosses major roads
      • Stadacona
      • Watt (replaces existing pedestrian crossing)
  • Estimated Cost: $400,000
[osm_map lat=”49.906″ lon=”-97.111″ zoom=”15″ width=”100%” kml_file=”http://v4.bikewinnipeg.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/maps/Disraeli-NPG-Connection.kml” type=”CycleMap”]

Disraeli/Northeast Pioneers Greenway Connection Improvements Project (in green)

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