Mark Cohoe is BttF’s first Executive Director
Bike to the Future’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Mark Cohoe has been selected as BttF’s first Executive Director.
Mark has a Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of Manitoba, and he brings significant bicycling advocacy knowledge and experience to this position.
He served on BttF’s Board from November 2007 to September 2012, most notably as City Committee Director. He has attended numerous cycling conferences and webinars, authored countless bicycling infrastructure design documents, participated in many consultations, and he is well-versed in cycling policy from all across Canada and around the world. All of Mark’s bicycling advocacy work has been done as a volunteer.
Mark starts in this new position on October 22. Previously (February 2011 to August 2012), most of BttF’s administrative tasks were done by an Office Administrator, and previous to that, all BttF administrative work and advocacy effort was undertaken by volunteers.