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Bike Winnnipeg’s Ongoing Fight for Road Safety

Bike Winnipeg has been working on many fronts to ensure Manitoba drivers get the right information about how to maneuver near cyclists on the road.

We are currently struggling to play a stronger role in the Public Utilities Board (PUB) review of MPI’s services and rates.  We are collaborating with the Consumers’ Association of Manitoba to bring up issues that are important not just to cyclists, but to all vulnerable road users.

Manitoba law stipulates that all Manitobans are insured by MPI if they are involved in an accident with a motor vehicle, even those who aren’t in a motor vehicle at the time.  It is motor vehicle drivers who cause the hazards, and therefore pay the rates.

As a result of it’s monoply, MPI’s costs each year are directly related to safe driving behaviour of all Manitoban drivers.  Furthermore, the Province has delegated to MPI responsibility for educating drivers.

We want greater accountability at MPI for effective road safety education of all drivers.  We want them to be required to focus on the serious consequences of bad driver behaviour.

The MPI lawyer has responded to our efforts by refusing to answer the interrogatories that we attached our name to, and arguing that we should not be allowed to participate in the hearing as collaborators with the CAC.  In her letter, she stated:

“Road safety, as a general issue, has a marginal impact on the rates set by the Board….”

We will be asking the PUB to reject her arguments, and let us work with the CAC to show how MPI could be doing a much better job of managing road safety for all Manitobans.

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