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Transportation Master Plan Discussions


The Transportation Master Plan is one of the key city policy documents guiding development of the roads, bridges, sidewalks, bike lanes, pathways, and bus routes that allows us move around and reach our daily destinations. A major revision of the plan, TMP2050, is currently underway and is expected to be presented to Council for its consideration in late 2021/early 2022.

The policies and directions set out in TMP2050 will have a major impact on how the city’s bicycle network is improved over the next 30 years. These policies and direction statements will help determine where and when new or improved sidewalks, bike lanes, pathways, or neighbourhood greenways will be built, how they will be paid for, and what importance the city puts on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

TMP2050 will be a key piece of policy and has the potential to shift Winnipeg off it’s current auto-centric focus and start us down a more sustainable path so that people from all walks of life and all parts of the city have safe, convenient, and attractive options when they choose to walk, cycle, take the bus to the destinations they need to reach in their daily lives.

To ensure that TMP2050 emphasizes the need to improve walking and cycling conditions in the city, and to prioritize funding for those improvements , we need you to take part in some key discussions about how you get around the city today, what makes it difficult for you to walk or bike in the city, and your ideas about how to help make Winnipeg easier to navigate on foot, bike, or transit.

As part of the first phase of public engagement for TMP2050, the city has asked organizations like Bike Winnipeg to host discussions on the current state of Winnipeg’s transportation system. We want you to tell us about:

  • how you get around the city and what kind of destinations you frequent;
  • where you face barriers or safety concerns;
  • what’s needed to get you biking more often;
  • what’s needed to keep you safe on your journey or to make it a more pleasant experience.

We’ve set up three virtual discussion sessions, and are asking you to try and register for one of the sessions to provide your input into this first phase of the process. Fill in the form below to register now!

You can also provide input by:

Taking the online survey
November 10 to December 11, 2020
Visit the survey tab to answer a few questions like: How do you move around Winnipeg and why? What motivates and informs your transportation choices.

Visiting the online mapping tool
November 10 to December 11, 2020
Visit the maps tab to share the locations of barriers you face when commuting through Winnipeg.

Connecting through social media
November 10 to December 11, 2020
Share your dream for Winnipeg’s transportation network on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Get creative and post your futuristic visions with the hashtags #tmp2050 and #gettherewpg.

Interested in getting more information about the City’s Transportation Master Plan and providing feedback? Click here.

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